·June 2018:
Once again an ASTRO Norway Team rider is No.1 of the Norway Optimist Ranking. This year Julia JACOBSEN gets first place of NOR Rank, followed by team mate Markus BERTHET (last year No.1). Both with ASTRO Mk2(R)wt on NOR Worlds Team. Emil FORSLUND 7th, Philip FORSLUND 9th, Diane NINAUVE-JUTULSTAD 10th and Marie JACOBSEN- LEPPERØD 12th, all in NOR Europeans Team. Congrats to all for been selected at National Teams. Great job..! See Ranking 2018 here (80 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2018:
By third consecutive year the ASTRO Swedish Team riders rule the Swedish Optimist Ranking. Melker BRENTON (KSSS) dominate both rank races winning at Oxelosund and Lomma and getting a fair 1st place of 2018 SWE Rrank. Calle LAGERBERG (KSSS), last year Ranking Champion, scores 2nd place just after his training mate Melker to show the domain of the KSSS sailors in the class. Theo WESTERLIND (KKKK), scores finally Rank 4th to complete the ASTRO Mk2(R)wt trio at Swedish Worlds Team. Lova FORSSÉN (KSSS), 1st girl overall at rank also with ASTRO Mk2(R)wt, scores finally rank 11th and gets place at the Swedish Europeans Team. Congrats to all for been selected at National Teams. Great job..! View 2018 ranking here (161 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2018:
Very good result too for the Swedish ASTRO riders at 2nd RK ranking scoring race. Melker BRENTON, Champion also at Lomma with ASTRO Mk2(R)wt. Calle LAGERBERG 4th, Theo WESTERLIND 7th and Lova FORSSÉN 8th (1st Girl), all with ASTRO on Top10. Held at Lomma along 26th and 27th of May, with 139 entries, is the 2nd and last scoring RK race for the 2018 Optimist Class swedish ranking. Congrats to all for the result. Good job..! See results here (161 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2018:
Great result for the ASTRO helms at Moss on 3rd NC ranking scoring race. Markus BERTHET, Champion with ASTRO Mk2(R)wt. Emil FORSLUND 3rd, Diane NINAUVE-JUTULSTAD 7th, Julia JACOBSEN 8th and Philip FORSLUND 9th to cope 5 out of Top10. Held along 26th and 27th of May at Moss Seilforening with 79 entries, is the 3rd NC scoring race for the 2018 Optimist Class Norway ranking. Congrats for the result. Good job..! See results here (38 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2018:
Good result for the ASTRO Sweden Team helms at Swedish Ranking opening event of Oxelösund. Melker BRENTON (KSSS), Champion with ASTRO Mk2(R)wt. Calle LAGERBERG 3rd, Theo WESTERLIND 7th and Lova FORSSÉN 9th (1st Girl), also with ASTRO in Top10. Held along 12th and 13th of May at Oxelösunds Segelsällskap, with 154 entries, is the 1st RK scoring race for the 2018 Swedish Optimist Class Ranking. Congrats for the result. Good job..! See results here (246 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2018:
Good season for the ASTRO 420 Works Team, Champion of the 2017/18 420 Class Catalan Ranking. Congrats for the result. Good job..! See FCV Ranking here (191 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2018:
Julia JACOBSEN, NOR3890 (KNS), Champion at NC2 race of Ålesund with ASTRO Mk2(R)wt. Markus BERTHET 2nd, Philip FORSLUND 5th, Marie JACOBSEN LEPPERØD 9th, also with ASTRO in Top10. Held at the Ålesunds Seilforening along 12th and 13th of May with 83 entries, is the 2nd NC scoring race for the 2018 Norway Optimist Ranking. Congrats for the result. Good job..! See classification here (41 Kb. PDF file).
·April 2018:
Julia JACOBSEN, NOR3890 (KNS), 1st Norwegian (2nd overall), at MentorNorge NC1 Race with ASTRO Mk2(R)wt. Calle LAGERBERG (SWE), 5th overall, also with ASTRO Mk2(R)wt. Held along 28th and 29th of April at KNS (Ulabrand), with 110 entries coming from Norway and Sweden, is the first NC scoring race for the 2018 Norway Optimist Ranking. Congrats for the result. Good job..! See classification here (52 Kb. PDF file).
·April 2018:
Adrián LÓPEZ, ESP2404 (CN Alicante-Costa Blanca), 3rd of the regional race of Santa Pola with ASTRO Mk1(R). Held at Club Náutico de Santa Pola along 14th and 15th of April with 73 entries of A Group. Good job Adrián... Congrats for the result..! See clasification here (440 Kb. PDF file).
·April 2018:
Very good performance for the Team ASTRO (Sweden)/KSSS riders at pre-season LIROS Nordic Race. Melker BRENTON, Champion with ASTRO Mk2(R)wt. Calle LAGERBERG 3rd, also in podium. Markus BERTHET, Team ASTRO (Norway) 8th, also in Top10. On girls, Julia JACOBSEN 3rd, Lova FORSSÉN 6th and Marie JACOBSEN LEPPERÖD 7th. Held along 14th and 15th of Abril at Stenungsund Segelsällskap (Sueden) with 108 entries comming from: Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Congrats to all for the result. Good Job..! See clasification of Boys (83 Kb. PDF file) and Girls (77 Kb. PDF file).
·March 2018:
Javier CLEMENT, ESP2852 (CN Santa Pola), Team ASTRO, Champion of the regional race of Calpe with ASTRO Mk2(R)wt. Held at Real Club Nautico de CALPE along 3rd and 4th of March with 73 entries of A Group. Good job Javichu... Congrats for the result..! See clasification here (123 Kb. PDF file).
·February 2018:
The ASTRO 420 Works Team, Champion at MedSailing Meeting 2018 with ASTRO 420 Mk1(R). Held at CN El Balis from 16th to 18th of February under light wind condition. Congrats for the result. Good job..! See clasification here (57 Kb. PDF file).
·February 2018:
Alex MARTIN, ESP2130 (CN El MASNOU), Champion of "A" Category (2nd overall), at PROACTIVA OPEN ARMS Solidarity Race with ASTRO Mk1(R). Held at Club Nàutic El MASNOU along 10th and 11th of February with 146 entries of 1 and 2 Groups. This has been the 4th N2 scoring race of the 2017-2018 Optimist Catalonian Circuit. Good job Alex... Congrats for the result..! See classification of 1 (135 Kb. PDF file) and 2 (127 Kb. PDF file) Groups.
·January 2018:
The ASTRO 420 Works Team, 2nd at Vilanova - Marbres CALVET N2 Race, 4th scoring event of the 420 Class Catalan Circuit. Congrats for the result. Good job..! See classification here (202 Kb. PDF file).
·January 2018:
Luca VAZQUEZ, ESP2528 (RCN Tarragona), Champion overall at Guixols Cup with ASTRO Mk1(R). Esperanza MESTRE, ESP-220 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 2nd of G2 also with ASTRO. Held at Club Nàutic Sant Felíu de Guíxols along 20th and 21st of January with 151 entries of Groups 1 and 2. Good job... Congrats for the result..! See clasification of 1 (136 Kb. PDF file) and 2 (133 Kb. PDF file) Groups.
·January 2018:
ASTRO, new 420 Class Licensed Builder..! See "420 Licensed Builders" page at 420 Class site here.
·January 2018:
Alexa LUKOYANOVA, RUS101, ASTRO Russia Team, 2nd Girl at IV Ciudad del Puerto - Excellence Cup Regatta, with ASTRO Mk2(R)WT. Held at Real Club Náutico Puerto de Santa María, from 1st to 4th of January with 209 entries. Congrats for the result. See classification here (264 Kb. PDF file).
·December 2017:
Merry Christmas and Happy 2018..! Best wishes for the coming year to all our clients and friends. From ASTRO we want to thank your trust and constant support in improving our boats.
·November 2017:
1st Overall on 420 Class for the ASTRO Works Team at 29th Principat d'Andorra Grand Prix. Organized by the Andorra Sailing Federation and held at Club Nàutic El Masnou, from 11th to 12th of November. See results here (80 Kb. PDF file).
·November 2017:
4th U19 (8th Overall), at 420 Class 2017 Spanish Cup for the ASTRO Works Team. Held at Pto. Sherry (Cadiz), from 2nd to 5th of November with 98 entries coming from Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey. Good Job..! See results of Gold (124 Kb. PDF file) and Silver (123 Kb. PDF file) groups.
·October 2017:
Great result for the ASTRO 420 Works Team at 3rd event of the 420 Catalán Circuit and last one before the 420 Spanish Cup. 1,1,1,1,1,(5) to lead the Catalan Rank with almost half of points to 2nd one. God job..! Congrat for the result and best wishes for the Cup starting next weekend. See classification here (73 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2017:
Great performance for the ASTRO helms at KSSS Olympic Class Regatta. Tight results on podium for Calle LAGERBERG, ASTRO SWE Team, Champion and Markus BERTHET, ASTRO NOR Team, tied with Calle, 2nd. Also very good for Theo WESTERLIND 6th, Emil FORSLUND 9th, Melker BRENTON 11th and Albertine LIND 13th. Held at Saltsjöbaden (Sweden) from 7th to 8th of October with 137 entries comming from Finland, Norway and Sweden. Congrats to all... Great job..! See results here (82 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2017:
Calle LAGERBERG, Rasmus GRANZIN, Lova FORSSÉN and Hugo LILJEGREN, Team Racing Champions of Sweden with an almost full ASTRO Team (3 out of 4, KSSS1). Congrats to all. Well done..!
·September 2017:
The ASTRO 420 Works Team, Champion of Cambrils Bon Port Race, 2nd qualifying event of the 420 Class Catalan Circuit. Congrats to all. Well done..! See results here (160 Kb. PDF file).
·September 2017:
Great performance for the ASTRO riders at 30th Catalan Sailing Week, Excellence CUP opening event. Javier OJEDA 1st and "Javichu" CLEMENT 3rd, getting 2 out of Top3 on podium. Congrats for the result. Well done..! See clasification here (321 Kb. PDF file).
·September 2017:
The ASTRO 420 Works Team, Champion of the 30th Catalan Sailing Week of 420 Class. 1st overall and 1st U19. 1,1,1,4,5,1, to rule the season opening event. Congrats for the result. Good job..! See clasification here (203 Kb. PDF file).
·August 2017:
Calle LAGERBERG 2nd, Marius WESTERLIND 4th and Theo WESTERLIND 7th, good result for the ASTRO SWE Team at 2017 Goteborg Summer Race. Well done..! On podium Calle 2nd, Oscar 1st and Rasmus 3rd. See clasification here (26 Kb. PDF file).
·August 2017:
Impresive scoring for Markus BERTHET to win the 2017 Norwegian Nationals of Sandefjord. 1,1,1,(2),1,1,1,1 for an on-fire performance with his ASTRO Mk2(R)WT. Very well for Emile FORSLUND (5th), also with ASTRO in Top5. On Girls, great result for Marie JACOBSEN finally 2nd. Big performance... Great job kids..! See results here (32 Kb. PDF file).
·July 2017:
5th of Europe and steping on podium for the first year as U19... Good result for the ASTRO Works Team at 2017 420 Open Europeans. Congrats Lucas and Teo. Well done..! Thanks José Antonio (Bimbo) Medina for your Coaching with the team. See results of open (348 Kb. PDF file), girls (320 Kb. PDF file) and U17 (302 Kb. PDF file).
·July 2017:
Diane Ninuave-Jutulstad (NOR), Silver Medal (Girls), at Nordic Youth Campionships with ASTRO Optimist. On boys, Rasmus GRANZIN (SWE) and Marius RYDELL (SEW), 4th and 9th also with ASTRO. Held at Pärnu (Estonia) from 24th to 29th of July with 101 entries comming from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. Sweden, Team Race Winner. Congrats to all..! See results of Boys (158 Kb. PDF file) and Girls (139 Kb. PDF file).
·June 2017:
Good result for the ASTRO ryders at 2017 Norway Optimist Ranking. Markus BERTHET 1st and Emil FORSLUND 3rd, both on NOR Team for Thailand Worlds. Marie JACOBSEN LEPPERØD 13th and Albertine LIND 14th, both on NOR Team for the Europeans of Bulgaria. Congrats to all... Good job..! See ranking here (40 Kb. PDF file).
·June 2017:
Makus BERTHET, NOR3919 (Kongelig Norsk SF), 1st overall at 2017 last (NC3) race of Stavanger with ASTRO Mk2(R)wt. Emil FORSLUND (2nd) and Marie J. LEPPERØD (4th), also in Top10 with ASTRO. Congrats for the result... Good Job..! See clasification here (23 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2017:
ASTRO Riders rule the game at the 2017 SWE Optimist Rank with 4 ASTRO out of 5 on Team SWEDEN for the Worlds. Calle LAGERBERG 1st, Melker BRENTON 3rd, Marius WESTERLIND 4th and Theo WESTERLIND 5th. Also Lova FORSSÉN for Europeans and Rasmus GRANZIN for the Nordic Games. Congrats to all and best wishes... Great Job..! See ranking here (81 Kb. PDF file).
·Mayo 2017:
Calle LAGERBERG, SWE4678 (KSSS), 1st at 2017 Optimist Rikskval-2 with ASTRO Mk2(R)wt. Great resulta for the ASTRO riders who have taken 4 out of Top4 overall (Calle LAGERBERG 1st, Melker BRENTON 2nd, Marius WESTERLIND 3rd and Theo WESTERLIND 4th). Rasmus GRANZIN 7th also in Top10. Held at Kullaviks Yacht Club from 25th to 28th of May with 164 entries, this has been the second and last scoring race for the 2017 Optimist Swedish Ranking. Congrats for the result... Good Job..! See clasification here (74 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2017:
Makus BERTHET, NOR3919 (Kongelig Norsk SF), 2nd overall at first 2017 Optimist NOR Rank. race (NC1) of Tønsberg with ASTRO Mk2(R)wt. Emil FORSLUND (4th) and Albertine LIND (6th), also in Top10 with ASTRO. Congrats for the result... Good Job..! See clasification here (136 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2017:
Calle LAGERBERG, SWE4678 (KSSS), 2nd overall at 2017 Optimist Rikskval-1 with ASTRO Mk2(R)wt. Rasmus GRANZIN 9th and Melker BRENTON with two bullets also in top10 with ASTRO. Held at Oxelösunds Yacht Club, along 13th and 14th of May with 161 entries, this has been the first scoring race for the 2017 Swedish Optimist Class Ranking. Congrats to all for the result. See clasification here (66 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2017:
Marie LEPPERØD, NOR3701 (Tønsberg SF), Champion of the Danish Assoc. Grandprix with ASTRO Mk1(R). Held at Kolding SC (Denmark), along 6th and 7th of May with 82 entries, this is the second scoring race for the 2017 Danish Optimist Ranking. Congrats for the result... Good Job Marie..! See results here (30 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2017:
Good results for the ASTRO riders at 2017 LIROS Nordic Race of Stenungsunds. Rasmus GRANZIN 3rd and Melker BRENTON 6th. On girls, Lova FORSSÉN 5th. Congrats for the results... Good job..! See classification of boys (25 Kb. PDF file) and girls (22 Kb. PDF file).
·April 2017:
Lova FORSSÉN and Calle LAGERBERG (KSSS), new ASTRO Sweden Team riders for the 2017 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season. Welcome to team..!
·April 2017:
Alexa LUKOYANOVA, RUS101, ASTRO Russia Team, 1st Girl (JUNIORES), at 35th GARDA Optimist Meeting 2017 with ASTRO Mk2(R)WT. Organised by Fraglia Vela Riva at Garda Lake, from 13th to 16th of April, with 1055 entries in this year edition. Congrats for this good result with your ASTRO. Photos: ©Denis Razumovich
·April 2017:
3rd U19 (7th Overall), for the 420 ASTRO Works Team, at the 2017 Spanish 420 Nats. Held at Real Club Náutico de Vigo, from 9th to 15th of April with 86 entries coming from: Andalusia, Balearic Islands, Basque Country, Canary Islands, Catalonia, Extremadura, Galicia, Murcia, Portugal (3) and Valencian Community. Congrats for the result. See classification here (137 Kb. PDF file).
·March 2017:
Javier CLEMENT, ESP2639 (CN Santa Pola), 3rd at LXX Magdalena Trophy 2017 with ASTRO Mk1(R). Held at RCN Castellón along 4th and 5th of March with 90 entries of A Group. Good result too for Paula GARCIA, ESP2622 (CNA Costa Blanca), 2nd Girl and 11th overall. Congrats for the result. See classification here (216 Kb. PDF file).
·February 2017:
Lucas and Teo PARÉS, ESP53559 (CV BLANES), 1st at 2017 II Guíxols Cup of 420 class. Held at CN Sant Feliu de Guíxols, along 11th and 12th of February, is the 4th scoring race for the 2017 420 Class Catalán Ranking. Congratulations for the result. See classification here (74 Kb. PDF file).
·February 2017:
Max RONDEAU, ESP2798 (CN Arenys de Mar), Winner of the II Guixols Cup 2017 with ASTRO Mk2(R)wt. Held at CN Sant Feliu de Guixols, along 4th and 5th of February with 151 entries of G1 and G2 groups. Good results for the ASTRO helms who have taken 4 out of Top10 overall of G1 (Max RONDEAU 1st, Mariona RAHOLA 3rd, Alex MARTÍN 4th and Miquel PÉREZ 9th). Congratulations for the result. See classification of G1 (112 Kb. PDF file) and G2 (113 Kb. PDF file). Photo: ©Cristina BALCELLS.
·January 2017:
2.0 version of our "results4discount" aid program available here (65 Kb. PDF file).
·January 2017:
Good results for the ASTRO raiders at Las Palmas 31st AECIO Trophy. Calle LAGERBERG (SWE) 3rd and Alexa LUKOYANOVA (RUS) 1st Girl (8th overall), on Top10 among 133 entries. Congrats for the result... Well done kids..! See classification aquí (160 Kb. PDF file).
·December 2016:
Merry Christmas and Happy 2017..! Best wishes for the coming year to all our clients and friends. From ASTRO we want to thank your trust and constant support in improving our boats.
·November 2016:
Max RONDEAU, ESP2528 (CN Arenys de Mar), 2nd of B age (Group 1), at 2016 Marbres Calvet - Vilanova Trophy with ASTRO Mk2(R)WT. Held at CN Vilanova, along 19th and 20th of November with 161 entries of G1 and G2 groups. Congratulations for the result. See classification of G1 (561 Kb. PDF file) and G2 (568 Kb. PDF file).
·November 2016:
Max RONDEAU, ESP2528 (CN Arenys de Mar), new ASTRO Works Team rider, 2nd at XXVIII Andorra Grand Prix 2016, with ASTRO Mk2(R)WT. Held at CN El Masnou, along 5th and 6th of November with 104 entries of G1 and G2 groups. Good results for the ASTRO helms who have taken 3 out of Top5 overall of G1 (Max RONDEAU 2nd, Miquel PÉREZ 4th and Mariona RAHOLA 5th). Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification of G1 (243 Kb. PDF file) and G2 (218 Kb. PDF file).
·November 2016:
8th Overall (7th ESP), 3rd U17 for the 420 ASTRO Works Team, at 2016 420 Spanish Cup. Held at Real Club Náutico de Palma from October 29th to November 1st with 101 entries coming from Andalucia, Balearic Islands, Basque Country, Canary Islands, Catalonia, Extremadura, Galicia, Germany (2), Murcia, Switzerland (6) and Valencian Community. Congratulations on this good result. See classification here (174 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2016:
Mariona RAHOLA, ESP2014 (CN El Balis), 2nd at Memorial Estruch Trophy, with ASTRO Optimist. Miquel PÉREZ 7th and Max RONDEAU 11th, good results also with ASTRO. Held at CN Arenys de Mar along 22th and 23th of October with only two races of very light wind, is the 2nd scoring race of the 2016/2017 Optimist Catalan Circuit. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification of Group 1 (332 Kb. PDF file) and Group 2 (330 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2016:
Thanks Mathias. Thank you..! Now that your Optimist career is almost over, we want to express our gratitude for your trust in ASTRO. When you take a chance for this small Barcelona shipyard, you were very brave. Very few would have made then your choice... Your results over the years, with several national titles and the Bronze and Silver medals at 2015 and 2016 Worlds endorse your decision. We are very proud to have been even a little part of your success. We wish you the best in your next sailing steps. You're already a great champion. Your talent is very great..!
·October 2016:
Marius WESTERLIND 1st, Mathias BERTHET 2nd and Calle LAGERBERG 3rd... Full ASTRO podium at KSSS Olympic Class Regatta 2016..! Theo WESTERLIND 5th. 4 out of Top5 overall for ASTRO. Held at Stockholm along 1st and 2nd of October with 171 entries coming from Finland, Latvia, Norway and Sweden. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (159 Kb. PDF file).
·September 2016:
Max RONDEAU, ESP2528 (CN Arenys de Mar), 3rd at VII Regata Mar d'Empúries with ASTRO Mk1(R). Held at l'Escala (Girona), has been the first scoring race of 2016/2017 season for the Optimist Catalan Circuit. Good classification for the ASTRO pilots with Mariona RAHOLA 7th and Miquel PÉREZ 11th. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification of Group 1 (268 Kb. PDF file) and Group 2 (135 Kb. PDF file).
·September 2016:
Calle LAGERBERG, 5th at Polish Opens with ASTRO Optimist. Marius WESTERLIND 13th, also with ASTRO. Held at Dziwnów from 16th to 18th of September with 310 entries. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (268 Kb. PDF file).
·September 2016:
Great result again for the ASTRO Norway Team at the last Norges Cup race of Sandefjord. Mathias BERTHET 1st, Markus BERTHET 3rd and Nicolai JACOBSEN 8th, with 4 USA guest sailors on Top8. Justin CALLAHAN (8th at past Worlds), in 2nd place... Great Job Team..! Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (38 Kb. PDF file),
·September 2016:
Two ASTRO on podium at Oxelösunds Race (Stockholm Area) over 83 entries..! Calle LAGERBERG 1st and Rasmus GRANZIN 3rd to show a very strong ASTRO performance along all weekend... Calle keeps in great shape after placing 6th at Crotone 2016 Europeans... Great job kids..! Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (26 Kb. PDF file),
·August 2016:
Full ASTRO podium at the Asker 0ptimist Regatta (Norway), with Mathias BERTHET 1st, Markus BERTHET 2nd y Emil FORSLUND 3rd. Excellent work of the ASTRO riders that got 6 out of Top10 overall (Jens Kaastad Ørjavik 5th, Jonas August Stjernstrom 6th and Julia Jacobsen 8th... ). Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (42 Kb. PDF file),
·August 2016:
Great result for the ASTRO Norway Team at 2016 Norway Nationals..! Sarah THODESEN, NOR-3917, Norway Champion and Gold Medal for 2nd consecutive year with ASTRO Mk2(R)WT. On boys fleet, Mathias BERTHET 2nd, Markus BERTHET 3rd and Nicolai JACOBSEN 4th, also with ASTRO. Held at Bergen from 11th to 14th of August with 88 entries among all fleets. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See results of Boys (12 Kb. PDF file), Girls (11 Kb. PDF file) and "Coming Stars" (12 Kb. PDF file),
·August 2016:
Lucas and Teo PARÉS, ESP-53559, 420 ASTRO Works Team, Bronze Medal at 2016 420/470 Junior Europeans U17. Held at Balaton Lake (Hungary), from 29th of July to 5th of August with 38 entries coming from 15 countries. Congratulations to you, on this podium that crowns a great first 420 season and to your Coach José Antonio "Bimbo" Medina, for his great work with the team. See results here (88 Kb. PDF file). Photos: ©Aron Szanto.
·July 2016:
Theo WESTERLIND, SWE-4617 (Kullavik SC), ASTRO Sweden Team, 2nd at 2016 Junior Nordic Championships with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Horsens (Denmark), from 24th to 30th of July with 86 entries comming from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Norway and Sweden. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See results here (142 Kb. PDF file).
·July 2016:
Lucas and Teo PARÉS, ESP-53559, 420 ASTRO Works Team, 8th at 2016 420 U17 Worlds. Held at Marina degil Aregai, San Remo, from 15th to 23th of July with 68 entries coming from 18 countries. Congratulations on this good result in the first call with the Spanish Team. See results here (153 Kb. PDF file). Photo: ©Andrea Lelli.
·July 2016:
Big succeed at 2016 Optimist Worlds..! Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3919 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club), 2nd of the World and Silver Medal with ASTRO Optimist. A BFD in the last race took him away from 1st place, which had occupied the last two days. Excellent result too for Marius WESTERLIND (SWE) and Markus BERTHET (NOR), 12th and 14th overall, also with ASTRO. Held at Vilamoura (Portugal), from 25th of June to 4th of July with 258 entries coming from 66 countries. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. Also to Norway Team Coach, Gonzalo "Bocha" Pullitzer for the excellent work. View classification here (2.975 Kb. PDF file). Photo©: Matias CAPIZZANO
·June 2016:
Victor GIMENO, ESP-2163 (CN Arenys de Mar), 3rd at 2016 G3 CATALUNYA Nats with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Vela BLANES along 11th and 12th of June, with 93 entries of A, B and C categories. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. View classification here (461 Kb. PDF file).
·June 2016:
Marius WESTERLIND, SWE-4677 (Kullavik SC), 1st of Swedish Ranking with ASTRO Optimist. Calle LAGERBERG, SWE-4678 (Royal Swedish Yacht Club), finally 8th and qualified for Europeans. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO and best wishes for Worlds and Europeans. View ranking here (40 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2016:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2611 (CN Vilassar de Mar) and Pol MARSANS, ESP-2494 (CN Arenys de Mar), ASTRO Works Team, Champion and 3rd of CATALONIA G1 2016 with ASTRO Optimist. Pol FONT, ESP-1123 (GEN Roses), Champion of G2 also with ASTRO. With this triumph ASTRO wins for 3rd time in 4 years (2013, 2014, 2016 ). Held at Club Náutic SALOU along 21st, 22nd, 28th and 29th of May, with 160 entries of Group 1 and 2. Good results for the ASTRO helms who have taken 5 out of Top10 overall of G1 (Nacho DAVILA 1st, Pol MARSANS 3rd, Mariona RAHOLA 6th, Max RONDEAU 7th and Javi MESTRE 10th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. View classification of G1 (121 Kb. PDF file) and G2 (123 Kb. PDF file). Photos©: Cristina BALCELLS.
·May 2016:
Great performance for the ASTRO helms at 2016 Norway Optimist Ranking. After the 3 NC qualifying series, our helms placed 5 boats out of Top6 overall (4 out of 5 at the Norway Team for the 2016 Worlds of Vilamoura). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO and best wishes for Worlds and Europeans.
Ranking | Helm | Sail | Club | Points | Hull | Team |
2nd | Mathias BERTHET | NOR-3819 | KNS | 24 | ASTRO Mk2(R)WT | Worlds |
3rd | Markus August BERTHET | NOR-3762 | KNS | 28 | ASTRO Mk1(R)WT | Worlds |
4th | Jesper MOBERG | NOR-3821 | Bundefjorden | 35 | ASTRO Mk2(R)WT | Worlds |
5th | Sarah THODESEN | NOR-3917 | Bundefjorden | 43 | ASTRO Mk2(R)WT | Worlds |
6th | Nicolai JACOBSEN | NOR-3890 | KNS | 53 | ASTRO Mk2(R)WT | Europeans |
·May 2016:
The ASTRO Norway Team dominates the Norgues Cup (NC3) of Stavanger. BERTHET Bros., Marcus and Mathias, on podium and the entire Team in Top10..! Markus 2nd, Mathias 3rd, Jesper 4th, Nicolai 6th and Sarah 9th. All again in Top10. Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. View classification here (23 Kb. PDF file).
·Mayo 2016:
Marius WESTERLIND, SWE-4677 (Kullavik SC), Champion too of the 2nd National qualifying with ASTRO Optimist. Calle LAGERBERG, SWE-4678 (Royal Swedish Yacht Club), 5th, also with ASTRO. Held at Saltsjöbaden (Suecia), along 14th and 15th of May with 105 entries. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO Mk2(R)WT. View classifications here (30 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2016:
Javier CLEMENT, ESP-2639 (CN Santa Pola), 2nd at MedSailing Meeting of Group 1 with ASTRO Optimist. Victor GIMENO, ESP-2136 (CN Arenys de Mar), Champion of Group 3 also with ASTRO. Held at Club Náutico El Balís along 13th to 15th of May, with 115 entries of 1, 2 and 3 Groups. Good results for the ASTRO helms who have taken 3 out of Top5 overall of G1 (Javier CLEMENT 2nd, Nacho DAVILA 4th and Pol MARSANS 5th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. View classification of G1 (109 Kb. PDF file), G2 (68 Kb. PDF file) and G3 (74 Kb. PDF file).
·Mayo 2016:
Excellent work of the entire ASTRO Norway Team at Norges Cup (NC2) of Ålesunds. Sarah THODESEN 2nd, Nicolai JACOBSEN 3rd, Jesper MOBERG 4th, Mathias BERTHET 5th and Markus BERTHET 8th. All team into Top10. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. View classification here (23 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2016:
Calle LAGERBERG, SWE-4678 (Royal Swedish Yacht Club), 12th at Workum Race (Dutch Youth Regatta), with ASTRO Optimist. Held at the Aqua Resort It Soal (Workum, Holland), from 5th to 8th of May with 400 entries comming from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands Antilles, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. Congratulations on this good result with your new ASTRO Mk2(R). View classification here (166 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2016:
Javier CLEMENT, ESP-2639 (CN Santa Pola) and Paula GARCÍA, ESP-2622 (CN Alicante Costa Blanca), Champions of Valencia Region, in Boys and Girls, with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Náutico Santa Pola (Alicante), along 7th and 8th of May, with 67 entries of A group. Congratulations on this great result with your ASTRO. View classification here (65 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2016:
Felix HÄRD, SWE-4659 (Kullavik SC), new ASTRO helm, Champion of Optimist Spring Cup of RÖSS with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Rörviks Sailing Association (Sweden), along 30th and 1st of May, with 60 entries of A, B and C groups. Congratulations on this good result with your new ASTRO Mk2(R). View classifications of A & B groups (11 Kb. PDF file) and of C group (8 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2016:
Marius WESTERLIND, SWE-4677 (Kullavik SC), Champion of 1st national qualifying with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Skanörs Boat Club (Sweden), along 30th and 1st of May with 105 entries. Congratulations on this good result with your new ASTRO Mk2(R)WT. View classification here (30 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2016:
Podium for ASTRO crews at 2016 Catalonian Sailing Week of CAMBRILS. Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2611 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 3rd in Optimist "A". Lucas and Teo PARÉS, 3rd in 420 Class. Congratulations to all on this good results. View classifications of Optimist (121 Kb. PDF file) and 420 (76 Kb. PDF file).
·April 2016:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club), 3rd at Norgues Cup (NC1) of Asker, with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Asker Sailing Association along 23rd and 24th of April with 160 entries of A and B groups. Good results for the ASTRO helms who have taken 3 out of Top10 overall (Mathias BERTHET 3rd, Marius WESTERLIND 5th and Calle LAGERBERG 10th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See results of group A (25 Kb. PDF file) and group B (13 Kb. PDF file).
·April 2016:
Calle LAGERBERG, SWE-4577 (Royal Swedish Yacht Club), 3rd at LIROS Nordic Race 2016 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Stenungsunds Sailing Association (Sweden), along 16th and 17th of April with 225 entries comming from Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Norway, Sweden and UK. Good results for the ASTRO helms who have taken 3 out of Top10 overall (Calle LAGERBERG 3rd, Jesper MOBERG 8th and Markus August BERTHET 9th). Congrats for this good result with your ASTRO. View classifications of boys (38 Kb. PDF file) and girls (28 Kb. PDF file) groups.
·April 2016:
Paula GARCÍA, ESP-2622 (CN Alicante COSTA BLANCA), 1st Girl (2nd Overall), at fifth scoring race of Valencia Optimist Circuit with ASTRO Optimist. Held at El Campello (Alicante) along 16th and 17th of April with 83 entries. Good results for the ASTRO helms who have taken 4 out of Top10 overall (Paula GARCÍA 2nd, Javier CLEMENT 4th, Angel BAEZA 6th and Alonso SUAREZ 9th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See results here (56 Kb. PDF file).
·March 2016:
Gavin NINNES, NZL-4574 (French Bay YC/Kohi YC), 2nd at New Zealand Cahmpionships with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Kohimarama Yacht Club (Auckland), along 24th to 29th of March with 177 entries including Australia, France and Thailand representatives. Congrats for this great result with your ASTRO. See results here (68 Kb. PDF file).
·March 2016:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club), Winner of 34th GARDA Optimist Meeting 2016, with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Garda Lake (Trentino, Italy), from 24th to 27th of March with 921 entries comming from all around the world among Juniores and Cadetti groups. important victory with your new ASTRO Mk2(R)WT..! See results of Juniores (36 Kb. PDF file).
·March 2016:
Lucas & Teo PARÉS, ASTRO 420 Team, 3rd at Under17 Spanish 420 Class Nats. With this result they are 2nd of Spanish ranking and get selected into Spanish Team for 2016 San Remo Worlds and Balaton Lake Youth Europeans.
·March 2016:
Great result for ASTRO helms at 2016 Optimist Class Catalan Ranking (provisional). After the classification phase with 6 scoring N2 rounds (only pending the Catalonian Nats), our helms placed 8 boats out of 20 places of the Catalan Team for the 2016 Spanish Championships. Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO and best wishes for the Champs, to be held shortly at Las Palmas, from 22nd to 28th of March.
Ranking | Helm | Sail | Club | Points | Hull |
1st | Max RONDEAU | ESP-2528 | CN Arenys | 102 | ASTRO Mk1(R) |
2nd | Nacho DAVILA | ESP-2611 | CN Vilassar | 107 | ASTRO Mk2(R)WT |
7th | Alicia FRAS | ESP-2276 | CN Cambrils | 169 | ASTRO Mk2(R)WT |
8th | Pol MARSANS | ESP-2494 | CN Arenys | 212 | ASTRO Mk1(R)WT |
9th | Mariona RAHOLA | ESP-2014 | CN El Balís | 235 | ASTRO Mk1(R) |
12th | Javi MESTRE | ESP-2375 | CN Vilassar | 295 | ASTRO Mk1(R) |
14th | Alex MARSANS | ESP-2401 | CN Arenys | 323 | ASTRO Mk1(R) |
15th | Miquel PÉREZ | ESP-2604 | CN El Balis | 330 | ASTRO Mk1(R) |
·February 2016:
Pol MARSANS, ESP-2494 (CN Arenys de Mar), ASTRO Works Team, 3rd overall at sixth scoring race of Optimist Catalan Circuit, Guixols CUP regatta, with ASTRO Optimist. Held at San Feliu de Guixols along el 27th and 28th of February under Tramontana harsh sea and wind conditions. Good results for the ASTRO helms who have taken 5 out of Top10 overall (Pol MARSANS 3rd, Alicia FRAS 4th, Mariona RAHOLA 5th, Nacho DAVILA 6th y Xavi MESTRE 7th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. View classifications of Group 1 here (114 Kb. PDF file). Group 2 do not celebrate races.
·February 2016:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2611 (CN Vilassar de Mar), ASTRO Works Team, Winner of Excellence CUP 2015/2016 for second consecutive year, with ASTRO Optimist. Nacho revalidates 1st place in the Excellence CUP (Vigo/Las Palmas/Torrevieja/Palamos), after scoring 4th overall last weekend, at Palamos Trophy on front of 532 entries comming from 25 countries. Congratulations Nacho for this success with the new ASTRO Mk2(R)WT. Good job..!
·January 2016:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2611 (CN Vilassar de Mar) and Alicia FRAS, ESP-2276 (CN Cambrils), 2nd and 4th at fifth scoring race of Optimist Catalan Circuit, CAMBRILS a BON PORT Regatta, with ASTRO Optimist. Held at CN Cambrils along 16th and 17th of January, with 156 entries of Groups 1 and 2. Good results for the ASTRO helms who have taken 5 out of Top10 overall (Nacho DAVILA 2nd, Alicia FRAS 4th, Max RONDEAU 5th, Mariona RAHOLA 7th y Pol MARSANS 9th). Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. View classifications of Group 1 (114 Kb. PDF file) and Group 2 (112 Kb. PDF file).
·January 2016:
Two ASTRO helms tight on head of 2015 Optimist Catalan Ranking. Past year reach to end with Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2611 (CN Vilassar de Mar) and Max RONDEAU, ESP-2528 (CN Arenys de Mar), 1st and 2nd of the provisional ranking, tied on 59 points after 4 N2 events and 15 races held in the Catalan Optimist Circuit. Good result for the ASTRO helms who are taking 8 out of Top20 overall (Nacho DAVILA 1o, Max RONDEAU 2o, Alicia FRAS 8a, Pol MARSANS 9o, Mariona RAHOLA 11a, Alex MARTIN 13o, Alex MARSANS 16o y Xavi MESTRE 17o). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO along 2015. More photos at ©Cristina BALCELLS.
·December 2015:
Merry Christmas and Happy 2016..! Best wishes for the coming year to all our clients and friends. From ASTRO we want to thank your trust and constant support in improving our boats.
·December 2015:
Alicia FRAS, (CN Cambrils), ASTRO Works Team, winner of A category (group 1), on 4th N2 scoring race of Optimist Catalán Circuit with ASTRO. Held at CN VILANOVA along 12th and 13th of December with 157 entries of groups 1 and 2. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. View classifications of groups 1 and 2 here (205 Kb. PDF file).
·December 2015:
The 2nd ASTRO 420 Training Meeting at BISC (Barcelona International Sailing Center), is over... From 5th to 8th of December, 4 long days of sailing, some in double session, seizing the early land breeze and the local Garbí wind (SW) until sunset. Congratulations to crews. Thanks Aleix, Elisenda, Francesc, Guillem, Lucas C., Lucas P., Miquel and Teo. Has been a pleasure to have you with us.
·November 2015:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2611 (CN Vilassar de Mar) and Max RONDEAU, ESP-2528 (CN Arenys de Mar), 1st and 2nd at third scoring race of Optimist Catalan Circuit, II Trofeu President, with ASTRO Optimist. Held at CN Garraf along 21st and 22nd of November under windy conditions with 163 entries of 1 and 2 Groups. Good results for the ASTRO helms who have taken 7 out of Top13 overall (Nacho DAVILA 1st, Max RONDEAU 2nd, Pol MARSANS 6th, Xavi MESTRE 8th, Alex MARSANS 10th, Mariona RAHOLA 12th and Alicia FRAS 13th). Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. View classifications of Group 1 (120 Kb. PDF file) and Group 2 (123 Kb. PDF file). More photos of ©Cristina BALCELLS.
·November 2015:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2611 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 2nd at CIDADE DE VIGO International Meeting with ASTRO Optimist. Held at RCN VIGO from 29th October to 1st November with 226 entries. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. View classifications of Gold group (160 Kb. PDF file), Silver group (156 Kb. PDF file) and Bronze group (156 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2015:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2611 (CN Vilassar de Mar) and Pol MARSANS, ESP-2494 (CN Arenys), 1st and 3rd of A category (Group 1), at second scoring race of Optimist Catalan Circuit, XXI Estruch Memorial, with ASTRO Optimist. Roberto MOLINA, ESP-2306 (CN Garraf), Winner of Group 2 also with ASTRO. Held at Arenys de Mar along 24th and 25th of October with 165 entries of Groups 1 and 2. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. View classifications of Group 1 (114 Kb. PDF file) and Group 2 (121 Kb. PDF file).
·Octubre 2015:
Alicia FRAS, (CN Cambrils), 3rd Overall and 1st Female at Hispanidad Trophy (Gijón), with the new ASTRO Mk2(R)WT Optimist. Held at Real Club Astur de Regatas from 10th to 12th of October with 52 entries. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. View classification here (132 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2015:
Nacho DAVILA (ESP) and Mathias BERTHET (NOR), ASTRO Works Team, finally 1st and 3rd overall at Junior Gold Cup 2015 (Bermuda). Congrats for this very good result..! On Image, a happy Nacho with Tom SLINGSBY, Oracle Team Tactician, at Oracle Team USA headquarters of Bermuda for the 2017 America's Cup defense. View classification here (35 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2015:
ASTRO Sweden Team sailors got a great result at KSSS Olympic Class Regatta, last weekend. Marius WESTERLIND, SWE-4572 (Kullavik SC) and brother Theo WESTERLIND, SWE-4617 (Kullavik SC), 1st and 6th overall with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Baggensfjärden near Stckholm, along 3rd and 4th of October with 148 entries. Congratulations on this succeed with your ASTRO in this traditional regatta, season finale. View classification here (48 Kb. PDF file).
·September 2015:
Alicia FRAS, (CN Cambrils), 5th at 2015 Pwllheli Europeans, new ASTRO Works Team for 2015/2016 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season. Welcome to team..!
·September 2015:
Max RONDEAU, ESP-2528 (CN Arenys de Mar), winner of first scoring N2 race of the Catalan Circuit, VI Hotel Nieves Mar regatta, with ASTRO Mk1(R). Held at l'Escala on 26th and 27th of September with 164 entries of 1 and 2 Grupos. Great starting season results for the ASTRO helms who have taken 4 out of Top5 overall (Max RONDEAU 1st, Alicia FRAS 3rd, Nacho DAVILA 4th and Lluc REVERTE 5th). Congratulations to all on this succeed with your ASTRO. View classifications of group 1 (149 Kb. PDF file) and group 2 (159 Kb. PDF file).
·September 2015:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club), Winner at the Bundefjord Race (Oslo), with ASTRO Optimist. Jesper MOBERG, NOR-3821 (Bundefjorden Sailing Club), 2nd overall also with ASTRO. This has been the last of the 2015 Norges Cup races this season. Held at Bundefjord on September 12th and 13th, with 78 entries of Group A. Great results for the ASTRO helms who have taken 5 out of Top 10 overall (Mathias BERTHET 1st, Jesper MOBERG 2nd, Nicolai JACOBSEN 6th, Sarah THODESEN 9th and Markus August BERTHET 10th). View classifications here (46 Kb. PDF file). Likewise, the 2015 Norwegian National Ranking (49 Kb. PDF file), also ends with 5 ASTRO placed among Top10: Mathias BERTHET 2nd, Jesper MOBERG 4th (both of ASTRO NORWAY Team), Sarah THODESEN 7th, Markus August BERTHET 8th and Nicolai JACOBSEN 10th. Congratulations to all on this succeed with your ASTRO.
·September 2015:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club), 3rd and Bronce Medal at 2015 Worlds with ASTRO Optimist. Very good result too for Marius WESTERLIND (SWE) and Nacho DAVILA (ESP), 13th and 29th overall, also with ASTRO (they both got three bullets for ASTRO along the Worlds). Held at Dziwnów, POLAND, from August 25th to September 5th with 275 entries coming from 58 countries. Congratulations to all on this succeed with your ASTRO. View classifications here (219 Kb. PDF file).
·August 2015:
First ASTRO 420 Class training meeting with a first class Coach... José Antonio MEDINA, 420 Class World Champion at 2003 (he has also been twice Europe and World Sub-Champion... ), Spanish Olympic Team in 470 Class and now coaching in 470 Class for Rio 2016 Olympics. From 28th to 31st of August, 4 days of intense technical tuition and practice at BISC (Barcelona International Sailing Center).
·August 2015:
Spain, again (2011, 2012, 2013, 2015), European Team Race Optimist Champion at Ledro lake (ITA), against Turkey. Congratulations to Alicia FRAS, Jerónimo MARTÍN-LAGOS, Julia MIÑANA, Adolfo VILLALÓN, José Maria 'Pochi' WANDOSELL and coach Kiko Igual for this great result.
·August 2015:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club) and Sarah THODESEN, NOR-3817 (Bundefjorden Sailing Club), 2015 Norwegian National Champions with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Nesodden Sailing Club from 14th to 16th of August with 73 entries. Good result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 3 out of top 10 overall (Mathias BERTHET 1st, Nicolai JACOBSEN 5th and Marius WESTERLIND 9th). Congratulations on this succeed with your ASTRO. View classifications of Boys (63 Kb. PDF file) and Girls (61 Kb. PDF file).
·August 2015:
New ASTRO Instagram account. You can follow us too on: @astro_racing_boats.
·August 2015:
Paula GARCÍA, ESP-1867 (CN Alicante Costa Blanca), new ASTRO helm for 2015/2016 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·July 2015:
José Mª (Pochi) WANDOSELL, ESP-2610 (CN Torrevieja), 5th at 2015 Optimist European Championship (8th overall), with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Pwllheli Sailing Club (Wales, UK), July 17th to 24th with 258 entries coming from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malta, Monaco, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, and USA. Congratulations on this good results with your ASTRO and also to Julia MIÑANA, Girl European Champion. View classification of boys Gold (167 Kb. PDF file), Silver (165 Kb. PDF file), Bronze (166 Kb. PDF file) and Girls Gold (141 Kb. PDF file) and Silver (140 Kb. PDF file).
·July 2015:
Markus BERTHET, NOR-3762 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club) and Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club), 4th and 6th at Coupe Internationale d'été Optimist 2015 (CIE2015) with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Plerín (France) from July 11th to 18th, with 500 entries of 20 nationalities. Congratulations on this good results with your ASTRO. View classification here (52 Kb. PDF file).
·July 2015:
Marius WESTERLIND, SWE-4572 (Kullavik SC) and Theo WESTERLIND, SWE-4617 (Kullavik SC), 2nd and 3rd at Rådasjön qualifying series with ASTRO Optimist. Held at the Rådasjön lake near Gotenburg, along 27th and 28th of June with 99 entries. Congratulations on this good results with your ASTRO. View classification here (37 Kb. PDF file).
·July 2015:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club), Sub-Champion at 27th Nieuwpoort Week 2015 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Nieuwpoort, Belgium, from 4th to 8th of July with 103 entries coming from Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Malta, Norway, Romania, Switzerland, Tanzania, United Kingdom and the USA. Good result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 4 out of the top 25 overall (Mathias BERTHET 2nd, Arthur FRY 10th, Markus BERTHET 17th and Oliver HILL 23th). Congratulations to all for this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (28 Kb. PDF file).
·July 2015:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2611 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 2015 Spanish Champion (2nd overall), with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club Náutico Laredo (Cantabria), from June 28th to July 4th with 151 entries coming from Andalusia, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Basque Country, Canarias, Cantabria, Catalonia, Galicia, Madrid, Melilla, Murcia and Valencia. Good result of the ASTRO helms who have taken 5 out of the top 25 overall (Nacho DAVILA 2nd, José Mª WANDOSELL 8th, Teo PARÉS 15th, Edu FERRER 18th and Max URQUIZU 23th). Nacho DAVILA and Edu FERRER get square with ASTRO to represent Spain in the next Optimist Worlds (Poland) and José Mª WANDOSELL in the European Championships (UK). Congratulations to all for this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (210 Kb. PDF file).
·June 2015:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club) Sub-Champion of Junior Sewdish Nats (JSM) 2015 with ASTRO Optimist. Organized by Swedish Sailing Federation and held at Båstad from 12th to 17th of June with 156 entries, has had on this occasion participation of World Champs. Teams of Finland, Norway and Sweden. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 5 out of 25 first places (Mathias BERTHET 2nd, Marius WESTERLIND 8th, Theo WESTERLIND 13th, Markus BERTHET 20th y Nicolai JACOBSEN 21th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification of Boys (63 Kb. PDF file), Girls (46 Kb. PDF file) and XSmall (30 Kb. PDF file) groups.
·June 2015:
Marius WESTERLIND (2002), SWE-4572 (Kullavik SC), got qualified in Swedish Team for the 2015 Optimist Worlds of Dziwnów (Poland) with ASTRO Optimist. After the 3rd selective test of RÖSS, Marius got place in the Swedish Team by second consecutive year. Congratulations on this very good result with your ASTRO. View ranking here (52 Kb. PDF file).
·June 2015:
Henry CHANDLER, GBR-6356 (Emsworth SC), 3rd overall at 2015 Royal Lymington YC Optimist Open with ASTRO Optimist. Held at the Royal Lymington Yacht Club along 6th and 7th of June with 83 entries. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (30 Kb. PDF file).
·June 2015:
Club Marítim ALTAFULLA, 2015 Club Team-Race Catalonia Champion with ASTRO Optimist, winning the final 2-0 against CN El Balis, current Spanish Club Champion of the specialty. Held at CN Vilassar along 6th and 7th of June, with very light wind conditions of 3 to 5 knots. The eight teams present were: CN El Balis (A), CN Vilassar (B), CM Altafulla (C), CN Cambrils (D), CN Arenys (E), CN Vilanova (F), CN El Masnou (G) and CM Torredembarra (H). The podium is completed by CN Vilanova 3rd, who won the petit final against CN Arenys, finally 4th. Congratulations to Edu FERRER (Capt.), Max URQUIZU, Teo PARÉS, Lucas PARÉS, Ignaci MARTI and the coach Lola RESANO for this great result they have solved with 7 wins out of 7 matches. More photos.
·June 2015:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club) and Jesper MOBERG, NOR-3821 (Bundefjorden Sailing Club), 1st and 3rd at NORWEGIAN Cup (NC3) of MOSS with ASTRO Optimist. Held at MOSS Sailing Club, along 30th and 31st of May with 109 entries of A and B groups. This is the 3rd and last scoring round for the 2015 Optimist Class Norwegian ranking. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 5 out of 11 first places ((Mathias BERTHET 1st, Jesper MOBERG 3rd, Sarah THODESEN 5th, Theo WESTERLIND (SWE) 9th and Markus BERTHET 11th). Mathias BERTHET and Jesper MOBERG get square to represent Norway on the next Optimist Worlds (Poland) and Sarah THODESEN at the European Championships (UK). Markus BERTHET, also qualified for the European Championships, will not participate because Norwegian regulations prevents to represent the country with less than 13 years. Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification of A group (102 Kb. PDF file), B group (80 Kb. PDF file) and 2015 Ranking (42 Kb. PDF file).
·June 2015:
Pol MARSANS, ESP-2494 (CN Arenys de Mar), 3rd overall at 2015 Catalonia Championships with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Vela Blanes along 23rd, 24th, 30th and 31st of May with 161 entries of G1 and G2 groups. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 4 of 10 first places (Pol MARSANS 3rd, Lluc REVERTÉ 4th, Eduard FERRER 5th and Max URQUIZU 9th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification G1 (506 Kb. PDF file) and G2 (509 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2015:
Pol MARSANS, ESP-2494 (CN Arenys de Mar) and Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 1st and 3rd of G1A at MedSailing Meeting 2015 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic El Balís along 16th and 17th of May with 112 entries of G1, G2 and G3 groups. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification G1 (110 Kb. PDF fle), G2 (74 Kb. PDF file) and G3 (69 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2015:
Alexa LUKOYANOVA, RUS-101 (St. Petersburg Sailing Academy), got qualified in the RUS Team for the Optimist European Championships 2015. After the selective rounds where scored Palamos, Garda and the Blak Sea Spring Series, it has been configured the RUS Teams for the Optimist World and European Championships. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (82 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2015:
José Mª WANDOSELL, ESP-666 (RCN Torrevieja), Winner of Valencia Championships 2015 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club de Regatas de Alicante from 9th to 10th of May, with 69 entries. With this triumph José María confirms its first place in the Valencia Autonomy Class Ranking. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. see classification here (19 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2015:
Oliver HILL, GBR-6332 (Royal Lymington Yacht Club) and Arthur FRY, GBR-6331 (Itchenor Sailing Club), got qualified in the GBR Team for the Optimist European Championships 2015. Last weekend, 1st to 4th of May, has been held at the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy, with 77 entries, the IOCA Optimist Team Selection Trials, where it has been configured the GBR Teams for the Optimist World and European Championships. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (41 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2015:
Sarah THODESEN, NOR-3817 (Bundefjorden SC) and Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club), 2nd and 3rd at NORWEGIAN Cup (NC2) of Bergen with ASTRO Optimist. Held at BERGEN Sailing Club form 1st to 3rd of May, with 82 entries of A group. This is the 2nd scoring round for the 2015 Optimist Class Norwegian ranking. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms winning 3 out of 4 races and taking 5 of 15 first places (Sarah THODESEN 2nd, Mathias BERTHET 3rd, Jesper MOBERG 9th, Nicolai JACOBSEN 13th and Markus August BERTHET 15th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (22 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2015:
Marius WESTERLIND, SWE-4572 (Kullavik SC), 2nd (tied with 1st), at 2015 National first Selective of Sweden with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Baggensfjärden Bay from 1st to 3rd of May, with 104 entries. This has been the first of the three selective tests of Swedish Team for World and European Championships. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. View results here (28 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2015:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla) & Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), Champion & Sub-Champion of the Optimist EXCELLENCE CUP 2015 with ASTRO Optimist. With four venues provided for this OEC edition: Las Palmas, Torrevieja, Palamos and Cambrils, last weekend, 2nd and 3rd of May, was held the last contest within the CATALAN SAILING WEEK, which eventually was not scoring for OEC as only a single race was complet due to lack of wind. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. View OEC ranking here.
·April 2015:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club) & Jesper MOBERG, NOR-3821 (Bundefjorden Sailing Club), 3rd and 10th at NORWEGIAN Cup (NC1) of Tønsberg with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Tønsberg Sailing Association from 24th to 26th of April with 134 entries of A and B groups. This is the 1st scoring round for the 2015 Optimist Class Norwegian ranking. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classifications here (37 Kb. PDF file).
·April 2015:
Alexa LUKOYANOVA, RUS-101 (St. Petersburg Sailing Academy), 1st CADETTI Female (2nd Overall), at 33rd GARDA Optimist Meeting 2015 with ASTRO Optimist. Organized by Fraglia Vela Riva at GARDA Lake, from 2nd to 5th of April, with 863 entries in this year edition. Congratulations on this great result with your ASTRO. See classifications here (36 Kb. PDF file).
·April 2015:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), 1st Male (2nd Overall), at 2015 Optimist Spanish CUP with ASTRO Optimist. Max RONDEAU 2nd of <13yo classification, also with ASTRO. Catalonia best team with Edu FERRER 2nd, Iset SEGURA 4th, Nacho DAVILA 10th and Lucas PARÉS 12th (3 out of 4 with ASTRO). Organized by Galician Sailing Federation and held at Galician Sailing Center of Vilagarcía de Arousa from 2nd to 5th of April with 154 entries coming from Andalucia, Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Cantabria, Castilla La Mancha, Cataluña, Galicia, País Vasco, Madrid, Melilla, Murcia and Valencia. Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classifications here (187 Kb. PDF file).
·March 2015:
Great result for ASTRO helms at 2015 Optimist Class Catalan Ranking (provisional). After the classification phase with 6 scoring N2 rounds (only pending the Catalonian Nats), our helms placed 12 boats out of 20 places of the Catalan Team for the 2015 Spanish Cup. Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO and best wishes for the Cup, to be held shortly at Vilagarcía de Arousa (Pontevedra), from 2nd to 5th of April.
Ranking | Helm | Sail | Club | Points | Hull |
1st | Nacho DAVILA | ESP-2375 | CN Vilassar | 80 | ASTRO Mk1(R)WT |
3rd | Edu FERRER | ESP-974 | CM Altafulla | 104 | ASTRO Mk1(R)WT |
4th | Pol MARSANS | ESP-2494 | CN Arenys | 114 | ASTRO Mk1(R)WT |
7th | Max URQUIZU | ESP-1123 | CM Altafulla | 181 | ASTRO Mk1(R) |
8th | Mariona RAHOLA | ESP-2014 | CN El Balís | 209 | ASTRO Mk1(R) |
9th | Lluc REVERTE | ESP-2462 | CM Torredenbarra | 212 | ASTRO Mk1(R) |
10th | Elisenda RAHOLA | ESP-1800 | CN El Balís | 240 | ASTRO Mk1(R) |
11th | Teo PARÉS | ESP-1099 | CM Altafulla | 254 | ASTRO Mk1(R) |
14th | Lucas PARÉS | ESP-099 | CM Altafulla | 284 | ASTRO Mk1(R) |
16th | Alex MARSANS | ESP-2401 | CN Arenys | 380 | ASTRO Mk1(R) |
17th | Max RONDEAU (<13yo) | ESP-2528 | CN Arenys | 382 | ASTRO Mk1(R) |
33th | Alex MARTIN (<13yo) | ESP-2130 | CN El Masnou | 598 | ASTRO Mk1(R) |
·February 2015:
Alexa LUKOYANOVA, RUS-101 (St. Petersburg Sailing Academy), new ASTRO helm for the 2014/2015 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·February 2015:
Pol MARSANS, ESP-2494 (CN Arenys de Mar), Winner of XXV Carnaval Race 2015 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic Port d'Aro, along 21st and 22nd of February with 148 entries of Group 1 and 2, is the sixth scoring round for the 2014-2015 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 4 of 10 first places (Pol MARSANS 1st, Max RONDEAU 2nd, Nacho DAVILA 6th and Teo PARÉS 10th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classifications of G1 (120 Kb. PDF file) and G2 (116 Kb. PDF file). More photos.
·February 2015:
The FRENCH BAY Yacht Club team (New Zealand), was present with ASTRO at Palamos XXVI Optimist Trophy & Nations Cup. We thank Elise, Isabelle, Abby and Gavin (and their parents..!), who have been willing to come from across the world to participate in the regatta. We wish the experience has been unforgettable. Thanks again. See photos of ©Cristina BALCELLS.
·February 2015:
Martín WIZNER, ESP-2345 (RCN Sanxenxo), Winner of Galician Optimist Championships 2015 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club Náutico de Sanxenxo, from 14th to 16th of February, with 127 entries of Yellow and Blue groups. With this result, Martín reinforces its leadership position in the Galician Class Ranking. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classifications here (90 Kb. PDF file).
·February 2015:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), 5th overall at XXVI Palamós Optimist Trophy (1st of Nations Cup 2015), with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Vela Palamós from 12th to 15th of February with 544 entries coming from Belgium, Bermuda, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and the USA. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (456 Kb. PDF file).
·January 2015:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 2nd at 2015 FESTA MAJOR Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic SALOU, along 17th and 18th of Janaury with 163 entries of G1 and G2 Groups, is the fifth scoring round for the 2014-2015 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 6 of 10 first places (Nacho DAVILA 2nd, Lluc REVERTE 4th, Elisenda RAHOLA 5th, Teo PARÉS 6th, Edu FERRER 7th and Pol MARSANS 8th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classifications of G1 (55 Kb. PDF file) and G2 (56 Kb. PDF file).
·December 2014:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), Winner of 29th AECIO Trophy, Las Palmas City 2014. Held at Real Club Náutico de Gran Canaria, from 26th to 29th of December with 171 entries coming from Norway, Rusia, Spain, Sweden, UK and USA, is the first scoring round for the 2014-2015 Optimist Excelence Cup 2014-2015. Congratulations on this good result. See classification here (183 Kb. PDF file).
·December 2014:
Merry Christmas and Happy 2015..! Best wishes for the coming year to all our clients and friends. From ASTRO we want to thank your trust and constant support in improving our boats.
·December 2014:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), Winner at 2014 MARBRES CALVET Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Roger TOMAS, ESP-2470 (CN Masnou), 2nd of G2C also with ASTRO. Held at Club Nàutic VILANOVA (Barcelona), along 13th and 14th of December with 170 entries of Groups 1 and 2, is the fourth scoring round for the 2014-2015 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 4 of 10 first places (Nacho DAVILA 1st, Max URQUIZU 4th, Lluc REVERTE 5th and Edu FERRER 9th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classifications of G1 (72 Kb. PDF file) and G2 (72 Kb. PDF file).
·December 2014:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 3rd at 64th Ciutat de Palma Trophy 2014 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club Náutico de PALMA, from 4th to 7th of December with 352 entries coming from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and USA. Good overall result for the ASTRO Works Team with Nacho DAVILA 3rd, Edu FERRER 10th and Pol MARSANS 15th. Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (96 Kb. PDF file).
·November 2014:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), Winner of 2014 PRESIDENT Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic GARRAF (Barcelona), along 29th and 30th of November with 79 entries of Group I. The trophy has been run under heavy sea and wind conditions that do not allow to race the legs planned for Sunday and counsel to keep Group II fleet ashore. This is the third scoring round for the 2014-2015 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 7 of 10 first places (Nacho DAVILA 1st, Elisenda RAHOLA 3rd, Edu FERRER 4th, Pol MARSANS 5th, Lucas PARÉS 6th, Teo PARÉS 7th y Max RONDEAU 10th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (725 Kb. PDF file).
·November 2014:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), Winner of XXVI GRAN PREMI PRINCIPAT D'ANDORRA 2014 with ASTRO Optimist. Organised by Andorra Sailing Federation and held at Club Nàutic El Masnou along 8th and 9th of November with 141 entries of GI and GII groups. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 6 of 10 first places (Edu FERRER 1st, Nacho DAVILA 3rd, Pol MARSANS 4th, Max RONDEAU 5th, Elisenda RAHOLA 6th and Alex MARSANS 9th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classifications here (532 Kb. PDF file).
·November 2014:
Arthur FRY, GBR-6331 (Itchenor Sailing Club), Winner at 2014 VIGO International Meeting with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club Náutico de VIGO from 31st of October to 2nd of November with 182 entries coming from Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and UK. Congratulations on this very good result with your ASTRO. See classification of A/B (172 Kb. PDF file) and C (72 Kb. PDF file) groups.
·October 2014:
Arthur FRY, GBR-6331 (Itchenor Sailing Club) & Oliver HILL, GBR-6332 (Royal Lymington Yacht Club), new ASTRO helms for the 2014/2015 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·October 2014:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), 2nd at 2014 Cornudella Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Roger TOMAS, ESP-2470 (CN Masnou), 2nd of G2 also with ASTRO. Held at Club Nàutic El Balís along 25th and 26th of October with 171 entries of G1 and G2 groups, is the second scoring round for the 2014-2015 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 3 of 6 first places of G1 (Edu FERRER 2nd, Pol MARSANS 5th and Nacho DAVILA 6th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classifications of G1 (108 Kb. PDF file) and G2 (110 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2014:
Available two new Optimist spars selection guides form OPTIMAX (28 Kb. PDF file) and SELDEN (12 Kb. PDF file) in Downloads page.
·October 2014:
Ángel BAEZA, ESP-1939 (RCN Torrevieja), Winner of V Ciudad de Cartagena Trophy 2014 with ASTRO Optimist after winning the only race run. Held at Real Club de Regatas de Cartagena, along 11th and 12th of Octuber with 95 entries of A, B and C categories. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (38 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2014:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), Winner of 2014 1st Nations Meeting with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club Náutico de A Coruña, from 9th to 12th of October with 105 entries coming from Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and USA. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 3 of 10 first places (Nacho DAVILA 1st, José Mª WANDOSELL 6th and Martín WIZNER 8th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classifications here (123 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2014:
Martín WIZNER, ESP-1395 (RCN Sanxenxo), Galician Ranking #1, Winner of 2014 GADIS Meeting with ASTRO Optimist after winning the only race run. Held at Real Club Náutico de A CORUÑA, along 4th and 5th of October, with 156 entries of Yellow, Blue and School groups, is the second scoring round for the 2014-2015 Optimist Class Galician Ranking. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classifications here (190 Kb. PDF file).
·September 2014:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), Winner of V Hotel NIEVES MAR Regatta 2014 with ASTRO Optimist. Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), 2nd and Max URQUIZU, ESP-1123 (CM Altafulla), 3rd, complete a fully ASTRO podium. Held at Club Nàutic L'Escala (Girona) during 27th and 28th of September with 172 entries of G1 and G2 groups, is the first scoring round for the 2014-2015 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 10 of the 15 first places (Nacho DAVILA 1st, Edu FERRER 2nd, Max URQUIZU 3rd, Pol MARSANS 6th, Alex MARSANS 7th, Lluc REVERTE 10th, Lucas PARÉS 11th, Elisenda RAHOLA 12th, Teo PARÉS 14th and Jan SANFELIU 15th). Congratulations to all on this success with your ASTRO. See classifications of G1 (36 Kb. PDF file) and G2 (37 Kb. PDF file).
·September 2014:
Pol MARSANS (CN Arenys de Mar), new ASTRO helm for the 2014/2015 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·September 2014:
Matias BÜHLER & Nathalie BRUGGER, SUI-220 (Gstaad Yacht Club), 6th place at Nacra 17 2014 ISAF Worlds of SANTANDER. Great success which meets the target of "classify the country" for the 2016 Rio Olympics at the first chance, also brilliantly winning the Medal Race. Congratulations on the result and thanks for trusting in ASTRO to prepare and tune your boats. View classification here (132 Kb. PDF file).
·September 2014:
María PÉREZ-CANAL (RCN VIGO), new ASTRO helm for the 2014/2015 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·Septiembre 2014:
Martín WIZNER, ESP-1395 (RCN VIGO), Winner of 2014 ABANCA Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club Náutico SANXENXO (Pontevedra), along 13th and 14th of September with 127 entries of Yellow and Blue fleets, is the first scoring round for the 2014-2015 Optimist Class Galician Ranking. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification of Yellow (37 Kb. PDF file) and Blue (41 Kb. PDF file) fleets.
·September 2014:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club), 2nd at the NORWEGIAN CUP of SANDEFJORD with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Sandefjord Sailing Association from 30th to 31th of August with 116 entries of A and B groups. This is the 4th and last scoring round for the 2014 Optimist Class Norwegian Ranking, in which Mathias finally ends 3rd. Good final ranking too for Markus August BERTHET, NOR-3762 (Royal Norwegian YC), 9th and for Sarah THODESEN, NOR-3817 (Bunde Fjord YC), 11th. Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (27 Kb. PDF file).
·August 2014:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club), 2nd at 2014 Norwegian National Championships with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Stavanger Sailing Club from 15th to 17th of August with 81 entries of boys, girls and junior groups. Mathias stays on fire with this sub-championship after winning the Swedish Nationals last month. Very good overall result for the ASTRO helms that classify Sarah THODESEN, NOR-3817 (Bunde Fjord Yacht Club), 4th in girls and Jesper MOBERG, NOR-3821 (Bunde Fjord Yacht Club), Winner of the Junior Cup (<13yo), with 7 points (1,1,1,1,1,1,1). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification of boys (27 Kb. PDF file), girls (26 Kb. PDF file) and juniors (23 Kb. PDF file) groups.
·August 2014:
Haris Tsetsos, GRE-2501 (Thessaloniki NC), 5th overall at the 6th GOLDEN NOA REGATTA 2014 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Nautathletic Club of Alexandroupolis (Greece), from 24th to 27th of July with 103 entries coming from Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Kuwait, Romania, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (52 Kb. PDF file).
·August 2014:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), 5th boy (7th overall), at 2014 British Open with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Weymouth from 2th to 8th of August with 173 entries coming from Belgium, Bermuda, Denmark, France, Holland, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Malta, Monaco, Norway, United Kingdom, Spain, Switzerland and USA. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classifications of gold (64 Kb. PDF file) and silver (59 Kb. PDF file) senior groups.
·August 2014:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), overall winner of 2014 III MARESME Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Roger TOMAS, ESP-203 (CN Masnou), winner of G3 also with ASTRO. This summer trophy has been celebrated along past July and in this year edition, with races in five Barcelona area venues (Arenys, Balis, Masnou, Vilassar and Calella), in which entered 62 sailors of G1, G2, G3 and school groups. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (165 Kb. PDF file).
·July 2014:
Andrés PALOU, ESP-1416 (CNMM Los Alcázares), Winner of 2014 2nd CN Los Nietos Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Náutico Los Nietos (Murcia), from 18th to 20th of July with 53 entries of A, B and C categoríes. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (1.113 Kb. PDF file).
·July 2014:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), 3rd at 2014 French Summer Cup with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Centre Nautique BISCARROSSE Olympique, from 12th to 18th of July with 137 entries comming from Belgium, France, Ireland, Malta, Monaco, Spain, Switzerland, UK, and USA. CN El Balís, Winner of the Team Race competition with: Edu FERRER, Max URQUIZU, Elisenda RAHOLA y Mariona RAHOLA. Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (65 Kb. PDF file).
·July 2014:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club), Winner of the 2014 Swedish Championships with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Bosön (Lidingö, Sweden), from 25th to 29th of June with 135 entries comming from Finland, Norway and Sweden. Congratulations on this great result with your ASTRO. See classification here (47 Kb. PDF file).
·June 2014:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 2014 Spanish Sub-Champion (3rd overall) with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Pueto Sherry (Cadiz), from 24th to 28th of June with 124 entries comming from Andalucia, Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Cantabria, Catalonia, Galicia, Basque Country, Madrid, Melilla, Murcia, Navarra and Valencia. Congratulations on this great result with your ASTRO. See classification here (2.728 Kb. PDF file).
·June 2014:
Lluc REVERTÉ, ESP-1963 (CM Torredembarra), gets a great debut with his new ASTRO qualifying 5th overall (2nd of his age), in the Catalonian Optimist Championships and getting square in the Catalan Team for the next 2014 Spanish Optimist Championships. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·June 2014:
Andrés PALOU, ESP-2404 (CNMM Los Alcazares), Runner-up in the 2014 Autonomy of MURCIA Championships with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Náutico Islas Menores on 7th and 8th of June with 105 entries of A, B and C categories. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See ranking here (19 Kb. PDF file).
·June 2014:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club), 6th at the NORWEGIAN CUP of ARENDAL with ASTRO Optimist. Held at ARENDAL Sailing Club, from 30th of May to 1st of June with 113 entries of A and B groups. This is the 3rd scoring round for the 2014 Optimist Norwegian ranking. Good overal result for the ASTRO helms who get square to represent Norway on the next Optimist Worlds (Mathias BERTHET) and European (Sarah THODESEN) Championships. Congratulations on this great success with your ASTRO. See classification here (30 Kb. PDF file).
·June 2014:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), Winner of the Catalonia Optimist Class Championship for the second consecutive year with ASTRO Optimist. Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), Winner of G1B category. Held at Club Nàutic d'Arenys de Mar along 24th, 25th and 30th of May and 1st of June with 189 entries of G1 and G2 groups. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 6 of top 10 places (Edu FERRER 1st, Alex BRÚ 3rd, Nacho DAVILA 4th, Lluc REVERTÉ 5th, Lucas PARÉS 6th and Max URQUIZU 8th). Congratulations to all on this great success with your ASTRO. See classification of G1 (62 Kb. PDF file) and G2 (62 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2014:
Marius WESTERLIND (2002), SWE-4572 (Kullavik SC), 5th at 2014 National third Selective with ASTRO Optimist. Held at the Kullavik Sailing Club on 24th and 25th of May, with 107 entries. This has been the last of the three selective tests of Swedish Team for World and European Championships. Marius, with only 12, gets square to represent Sweden on the Optimist Worlds to be held in San Isidro (Argentina) in October. Congratulations on this great success with your ASTRO. See classification here (13 Kb. PDF file) and the Sweden final Ranking (1,6 Mb. PDF file).
·May 2014:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), Winner of G1B and overall Runner-Up at 2014 MedSailing Meeting with ASTRO Optimist. Alex Viaplana, ESP-2136 (CN Arenys de Mar), Winner of G2B. Held at Club Nàutic El Balís along 17th and 18th of May with 143 entries of G1, G2 and G3 Groups. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. View classification G1 (104 Kb. PDF file), G2 (76 Kb. PDF file) and G3 (64 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2014:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club), 6th at the NORWEGIAN CUP of RAN with ASTRO Optimist. Held at RAN Sailing Club, along 9th to 11th of May with 83 entries of A Group. This is the 2nd scoring round for the 2014 Optimist Norwegian ranking. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. View classification here (31 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2014:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), Winner of the XLV Francesc SANAHUJA Trophy 2014 with ASTRO Optimist. Alex BRÚ, ESP-1811 (CN El Balís) finally 3rd. Held at Club Nàutic El Masnou along 10th and 11th of May with 112 entries of G1, G2 and G3 Groups. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 5 of 10 first places of G1 (Nacho DAVILA 1st, Alex BRÚ 3rd, Lucas PARÉS 5th, Marc RUBIO 6th and Teo PARÉS 9th). Congratulations to all for this good result with your ASTRO. View rankings G1-G2 (313 Kb. PDF file) and G3 (257 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2014:
Marius WESTERLIND, SWE-4572 (Kullavik SC), 3rd at 2014 National First Selective with ASTRO Optimist. Held at BOO Segelsällskap (Stockholm, SWEDEN) along 4th and 5th of May, with 107 entries. This is the first of three Swedish Team selection tests for World and European Championships. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See classification here (55 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2014:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla) and Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), Winner and Runner-up of the XXVII Catalonian Sailing Week 2014 with ASTRO Optimist. Roger TOMAS, ESP-203 (CN Masnou), new ASTRO helm, Winner of G3 group. Held at Club Nàutic Cambrils along 1st to 4th of May with 189 entries of G1, G2 and G3 groups. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 4 of 6 first places of G1 (Edu FERRER 1st, Nacho DAVILA 2nd, Max URQUIZU 5th and Lucas PARÉS 6th). Congratulations to all for this good result with your ASTRO. View rankings G1 (40 Kb. PDF file), G2 (33 Kb. PDF file) and G3 (33 Kb. PDF file).
·Abril 2014:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3819 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club), 5th at the NORWEGIAN CUP of MOSS with ASTRO Optimist. Held at the MOSS Sailing Club, along 26th and 27th of April with 96 entries in A class group. This is the 1st scoring round for the 2014 Optimist Norwegian ranking. Congratulations on this good result with your new ASTRO. See classification here (108 Kb. PDF file).
·April 2014:
Sarah THODESEN, NOR-3817 (Bunde Fjord YC), new ASTRO helm for 2014/2015 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·April 2014:
Alex BRÚ, ESP-1811 (CN El Balís) and Carlos BALAGUER, ESP-2259 (RCN Valencia), 8th and 10th at 2014 Spanish Cup with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Náutico MAR MENOR Los Alcazares (Murcia), along 17th to 20th of April, with 124 entries comming from Andalucia, Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Cantabria, Castilla La Mancha, Cataluña, Extremadura, Galicia, País Vasco, Madrid, Melilla, Murcia, Navarra and Valencia. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (257 Kb. PDF file).
·April 2014:
José Mª WANDOSELL, ESP-666 (RCN Torrevieja), Winner of the X Beneficial Race 2014 in favor of ASIDO (Integral Association of People with Down Syndrome), with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Náutico MAR MENOR along 5th and 6th of April with 92 entries of A, B and C categories. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See classification here (114 Kb. PDF file).
·April 2014:
Marius WESTERLIND, SWE-4572 (Kullavik SC), new ASTRO helm, 6th at the LIROS Nordic Race 2014 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Stenungsund Yacht Club (Sweden) along 5th and 6th of April, with 80 entries comming from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Congratulations on this good result with your new ASTRO. See classification here (23 Kb. PDF file).
·April 2014:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), Winner of the V COMODOR Trophy 2014 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic GARRAF along 5th and 6th of April, with 82 entries of I, II and III groups. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 4 of the 5 first places of G1 (Nacho DAVILA 1st, Alex BRÚ 2nd, Lucas PARÉS 4th and Max URQUIZU 5th). Congratulations to all for this good result with your ASTRO. View rankings G1 (267 Kb. PDF file), G2 (175 Kb. PDF file) and G3 (333 Kb. PDF file).
·March 2014:
Matheos KOTIKOS, GRE-2501 (Thessaloniki NC), new ASTRO helm, 5th overall at the Greece Northern League with ASTRO Optimist. Held at two venues, Thessaloniki and Corfu on 8, 9, 22 and 23 of March with 112 entries from 15 clubs. Congratulations on this good result with your new ASTRO. See classification here (167 Kb. PDF file).
·March 2014:
José Mª WANDOSELL, ESP-666 (RCN Torrevieja), Winner of the 2014 VELA INFANTIL CN EL CAMPELLO trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Náutico El Campello (Alicante), along 22th and 23rd of March with 96 entries of A and B categories. Our congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See scoring here (59 Kb. PDF file).
·March 2014:
Carlos BALAGUER, ESP-1831 (RCN Valencia), Winner of the 2014 VELA INFANTIL RCNC trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club Náutico de CALPE (Alicante), along 8th and 9th of March with 89 entries of A and B categories. Our congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See scoring here (62 Kb. PDF file).
·March 2014:
Alex BRÚ, ESP-1811 (CN El Balís), Winner of the II Toni GALLART Trophy 2014 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic Premià de Mar along 1st and 2nd of March, with 75 entries of groups I, II y III. Marc RUBIO, ESP-200 (CN El Masnou), 2nd and Lucas PARÉS, ESP-750 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 3rd, complete an entirely ASTRO podium. Our congratulations to all on this good results. See scoring of G1-G2 (74 Kb. PDF file) and G3 (69 Kb. PDF file).
·February 2014:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), Winner of the XXVI Carnaval Race 2014 with ASTRO Optimist. Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 2nd overall. Held at Club Nàutic Port d’Aro along 22th and 23th of February with 151 entries of GI and GII groups, is the sixth scoring round for the 2013-2014 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Good overall result too for the ASTRO helms who have qualified 6 boats in the Catalan Team for the 2014 Optimist Spanish Cup. Congratulations to all on this good scoring with your ASTRO. See results of GI (108 Kb. PDF file) and GII (109 Kb. PDF file).
·February 2014:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), 6th overall and winner of the Nations Cup at the XXV PALAMOS Optimist Trophy 2014 with ASTRO Optimist. The strong wind, during the first two days, determines the outcome of this classic organized by Club de Vela Palamós along 13th to 16th of February. This year's edition has had 378 entries coming from Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Denmark, France, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Monaco, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and USA. Spain winner of the IX Nations Cup with Albert TORRES (1st), Edu FERRER (6th), Pablo Luján (7th) and Enrique Luján (9th). Congratulations to all for this good result. View rankings here (319 Kb. PDF file).
·February 2014:
YAIZA City Council (Lanzarote Island), has received its new fleet of 9 AstroONE that entered in service, at the Municipal Sailing School, for basic training and pre-competition workout. More information on this model here and in the brochure (376 Kb. PDF file).
·January 2014:
What's behind the scene... the story of this picture begins in 2011 with Ismael IESS (Canary Island), sailing his last Optimist seasons with his ASTRO Mk1(R). Last December, in his first year in the new class, Ismael became the new Laser 4.7 Spanish Champion, what made us great illusion. Meanwhile, Margarita, the youngest of the IESS family, with the boat inherited from his brother, is already taking off... In ASTRO, we love being the birthplace of future champions (even more than one per boat..!).
·January 2014:
Alex BRÚ, ESP-1811 (CN El Balís), 2nd overall at 2014 Trofeu Festa Major Ajuntament de Salou with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic SALOU along 18th and 19th of January with 160 entries of GI and GII groups, is the fifth scoring round for the 2013-2014 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 5 of the 7 first places (Alex BRÚ 2º, Max URQUIZU 3º, Nacho DAVILA 5º, Lucas PARÉS 6º y Edu FERRER 7º). Congratulations to all on this success with your ASTRO. See results GI (19 Kb. PDF file) and GII (19 Kb. PDF file).
·December 2013:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), Winner of the X New Year's Race 2013 with ASTRO Optimist. Alex BRÚ, ESP-1811 (CN El Balís), also at podium, finally 3rd. Organized by Federación Andaluza de Vela and held at Pto. Sherry (Cadiz), along 27th to 30th of December with 94 entries. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See results here (988 Kb. PDF file).
·December 2013:
Merry Christmas and Happy 2014..! Best wishes for the coming season to all our clients and friends. From ASTRO we want to thank your trust and constant support in improving our boats.
·December 2013:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar) and Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla) 3rd and 4th Overall (1st y 2nd de "B" age), at MARBRES CALVET - OPTIMIST Christmas Trophy 2013 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic VILANOVA during 14th and 15th of December with 162 entries of GI and GII groups, is the fourth scoring round for the 2013-2014 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See results GI (76 Kb. PDF file) and GII (78 Kb. PDF file).
·December 2013:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla) and Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 7th and 8th overall at LXIII Ciutat de Palma Trophy 2013 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club Nàutic de Palma along 5th to 8th of December in very light wind conditions that only allowed to complete 2 races. 367 entries coming from Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain and Switzerland. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See results here (141 Kb. PDF file).
·November 2013:
Abby GEDDES, NZL-4242 (French Bay YC), new ASTRO helm for 2013/2014 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·November 2013:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 3rd overall at Club Nàutic El MASNOU Grand Prix 2013 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic El MASNOU along 23rd and 24th of November with 176 entries of GI and GII groups, has been the third scoring round for the 2013-2014 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 5 of the 10 first places (Nacho DAVILA 3rd, Lucas PARÉS 5th, Alex BRÚ 6th, Edu FERRER 7th and Alex MARSANS 9th). Congratulations to all on this success with your ASTRO. See results GI (377 Kb. PDF file) and GII (404 Kb. PDF file).
·November 2013:
Alex BRÚ, ESP-1811 (CN El Balís) and Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 1st and 2nd Overall at XXV Principat d'ANDORRA Grand Prix 2013 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic MASNOU along 9th and 10th of November with 116 entries of groups GI and GII. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 6 of the 10 first places (Alex BRÚ 1st, Nacho DAVILA 2nd, Lucas PARÉS 4th, Teo PARÉS 6th, Marc RUBIO 7th and Marc TELLO 9th). Congratulations to all on this success with your ASTRO. See results here (470 Kb. PDF file).
·Octubre 2013:
Petit Farm photo shoot at Casa CAMPER Barcelona Hotel. For other clients and manufacturing process see gallery.
·October 2013:
José Mª WANDOSELL, ESP-666 (RCN Torrevieja), 2nd at II Club Náutico Dehesa de Campoamor Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Náutico Dehesa de Campoamor along 26th and 27th of October with 182 entries of A and B groups, has been the second scoring round for the 2013-2014 Valencian Community Optimist Class Ranking. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. View classification of group A (219 Kb. PDF file) and group B (206 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2013:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla) and Alex BRÚ, ESP-1811 (CN El Balís), 3rd and 4th overall (1st of "B" and 3rd of "A"), at XVI CORNUDELLA Trophy 2013 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic El Balís along 26th and 27th of October with 163 entries of GI and GII groups, has been the second scoring round for the 2013-2014 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Also good result for Nacho DAVILA ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 2nd of "B" and 7th overall. Congratulations to all on this success with your ASTRO. See results GI (117 Kb. PDF file) and GII (129 Kb. PDF file).
·September 2013:
Alex BRÚ, ESP-1811 (CN El Balís) and Nacho DAVILA, ESP-2375 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 2nd and 3rd at podium of IV Hotel Nieves Mar Regatta 2013 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic l'Escala along 28th and 29th of September with 171 entries of GI and GII groups, has been the first scoring round for the 2013-2014 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 5 of the 10 first places (Alex BRU 2nd, Nacho DAVILA 3rd, Edu FERRER 4th, Max URQUIZU 6th and Marc TELLO 8th). Congratulations to all on this success with your ASTRO. See results GI (117 Kb. PDF file) and GII (118 Kb. PDF file).
·September 2013:
Petit Farm photo shoot at Barcelona Primero Primera Hotel. For other clients and manufacturing process see gallery.
·September 2013:
AB RE presents Vaavud, the new smartphone wind meter..! This rugged and electronic-less wind meter turns you smartphone into a high-tech meteorological tool. Works with iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5C, 5S, Samsung Galaxy S3, S4, HTC One, Google Nexus 5 and others... Very usefull for Sailing, KiteSurf, Golf, Hiking, Paragliding, Hang gliding, Skydiving, Outdoor work, etc ... Read more...
·September 2013:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-1341 (CN VILASSAR) & Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), 1st and 2nd at Costa Daurada SALOU Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Edu FERRER, overall winner of the trophy. See results here (117 Kb. PDF file).
·Septiembre 2013:
Nacho DAVILA, ESP-1341 (CN VILASSAR), new ASTRO helm for 2013/2014 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·September 2013:
Jan SANFELIU, ESP-1487 (CM ALTAFULLA), new ASTRO helm for 2013/2014 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·August 2013:
Spain, European Team Race Optimist Champion 2013 again, at Ledro lake (ITA). Congratulations to Albert Gelpí, Patricia Reino, Enrique Luján, Laura Martínez, Eduard Ferrer and coach Kiko Igual for this great result.
·July 2013:
Martín WIZNER, ESP-1395 (RCN VIGO), new ASTRO helm for 2013/2014 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·July 2013:
ASTRO has completed the development and first units of Cultivation Tables, for urban gardening, of PETIT FARM. See gallery.
·July 2013:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), 7th at the 2013 Optimist Open European Championships. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results here (75 Kb. PDF file).
·June 2013:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN El Masnou) and Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), get qualify in the Spanish team to participate at the Worlds (Garda, Italy) and Europeans (Balaton, Hungary) 2013 Optimist Championships. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO and best wishes for the team.
·June 2013:
ASTRO has completed the mould development for pressure gauges support in GRP. See gallery.
·June 2013:
Good results for the ASTRO helms at 2013 Optimist Catalan Ranking. After 2013 CATALONIAN Optimist Championship, last scoring race, our helms have taken 5 of the 17 places of the Catalan Team for the Spanish Optimist Championship. Final rank is: Paula IGUAL 1st, Oscar ESCOLANO 3rd, Alex BRÚ 5th, Edu FERRER 13th and Max URQUIZU 17th. Congrats to all for this good results and best wishes for the next Spanish Optimist Championship to be held at Cartagena (Murcia), along 20th to 25th of June.
·May 2013:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3762 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club), Winner at the NORWEGIAN CUP of FLORØ with ASTRO Optimist. Held at FLORØ Yacht Club, along 25th and 26th of May with 81 entries of A class. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results here (32 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2013:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), Winner of the 2013 Catalonia Optimist Class Championship with ASTRO. Held at Club Nàutic HOSPITALET - VANDELLOS, along 18th, 19th, 25th and 26th of May with 176 entries of I and II groups. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 3 of the 5 first places with Edu FERRER 1st, Oscar ESCOLANO 4th and Alex BRÚ 5th. Congratulations to all on this success with your ASTRO. See results G1 (60 Kb. PDF file) and G2 (62 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2013:
Knuta BUGGE, NOR-3756 (Bunde Fjord YC), new ASTRO helm for 2013/2014 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·May 2013:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3762 (Royal Norwegian Yacht Club) and Jesper MOBERG, NOR-3689 (Bunde Fjord Yacht Club), 4th of "A" Class and Winner of "B" Class at the NORWEGIAN CUP of SOON with ASTRO Optimist. Held at SOON Yacht Club, along 11th and 12th of May with 111 entries of A and B classes. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results here (39 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2013:
Alex BRÚ, ESP-1811 (CN El Balís) and Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), 1st and 2nd at Mediterranean Sailing Meeting 2013 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic EL BALIS, along 11th and 12th of May with 116 entries of groups I, II and III. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results G1 (170 Kb. PDF file), G2 (171 Kb. PDF file) and G3 (160 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2013:
Edu FERRER, ESP-974 (CM Altafulla), new ASTRO helm, 2nd (tied with Leandre GARCÍA, 1st), at III ASCENS SUD Regatta with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic HOSPITALET - VANDELLOS, along 4th and 5th of May with 116 entries of groups I, II and III. Congratulations on this great debut with your new ASTRO. See results G1/G2 (26 Kb. PDF file) and G3 (23 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2013:
Carlos BALAGUER, ESP-2259 (CN Valencia), Winner of the 2013 Valencian Comunity Championship with ASTRO Optimist. His brother Nacho BALAGUER, ESP-2258 (CN Valencia), scored 2nd also with ASTRO. Held at Club Náutico ALICANTE COSTA BLANCA, along 4th and 5th of May with 75 entries of A category. Good overall result for the ASTRO helms who have taken 3 of the 6 first places with Carlos BALAGUER 1st, Nacho BALAGUER 2nd and Eduardo ORTUÑO 6th. Congratulations to all on this success with your ASTRO. See results here (205 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2013:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN El Masnou) and Alex BRÚ, ESP-1811 (CN El Balís), 1st and 2nd at 2013 President LLUIS MARSÀ Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic El MASNOU along 4th and 5th of May, with 110 entries of groups I, II and III. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results here (865 Kb. PDF file).
·April 2013:
Mathias BERTHET, NOR-3602 (Royal Norwegian YC), new ASTRO helm for 2013/2014 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·April 2013:
ASTRO has completed the mould development of Carbon/Epoxy rails for a racing bicycle saddle. See gallery.
·March 2013:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN El Masnou), 1st Girl and 2nd Overall at 2013 Spanish Cup with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club Náutico de CASTELLON along 27th to 30th of March, with 126 entries comming from Andalucia, Andorra, Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Cantabria, Castilla La Mancha, Cataluña, Extremadura, Galicia, País Vasco, Madrid, Melilla, Murcia, Navarra and Valencia. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results here (256 Kb. PDF file).
·March 2013:
Oscar ESCOLANO, ESP-2237 (CN El Masnou), Winner of 1st TONI GALLART Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic Premià de Mar along 16th and 17th of March, with 66 entries of I, II and III groups. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. Congratulations too for the organizers of the trophy that marks the return of this dean club to Optimist class competition after a lapse of 15 years. See results here (112 Kb. PDF file).
·March 2013:
Carlos BALAGUER, ESP-2259 (CN Valencia), Winner (tied with his brother Nacho, 2nd) of Real Club Náutico de CALPE Trophy 2013 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club Náutico de CALPE along 9th and 10th of March with 89 entries of A and B categories. Good overall result of ASTRO pilots who have taken Top-3 podium places with Carlos BALAGUER 1st, Nacho BALAGUER 2nd and Francisco NAVARRO 3rd. Congratulations to all on this success with your ASTRO. See results here (210 Kb. PDF file).
·March 2013:
Andrés PALOU, ESP-107 (CNMM Los Alcazares), new ASTRO helm, 2nd (tied with Antonio LOPEZ, 1st), of XXV REGION DE MURCIA Sailing Federation Trophy 2013 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nautico Los NIETOS along 2nd and 3rd of March with 72 entries of A, B and C categories. Congratulations on this great debut with your new ASTRO. See results here (870 Kb. PDF file).
·March 2013:
Carlos BALAGUER, ESP-2259 (CN Valencia), Winner of Club Náutico CAMPELLO Trophy 2013 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club Náutico El CAMPELLO along 2nd y 3rd of March with 99 entries of A and B category. Good overall result of ASTRO pilots who have taken 4 of the top 11 places (Carlos BALAGUER 1st, Eduardo ORTUÑO 4th, Nacho BALAGUER 8th and Francisco NAVARRO 11th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See results here (216 Kb. PDF file).
·February 2013:
Ismael IESS, ESP-2010 (RCN Gran Canaria), Winner of the TENERIFE Qualifying Race with ASTRO Optimist. Held by Real Club Náutico de TENERIFE from 22th to 24th of February, with 119 entries, is the 2nd scoring round for the 2012-2013 Canary Islands Optimist Class Ranking. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results here (168 Kb. PDF file).
·February 2013:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN El Masnou), Winner of the XXV CARNAVAL RACE 2013 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic PORT d'ARO along February 23th and 24th, with 166 entries of groups I y II, has been the 6th and last scoring round for the 2012-2013 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Paula has dominated the ranking from start and has got a clear lead of more than 40 points over second placed Xavi PERA (CN Vilassar de Mar). Good results too for Oscar ESCOLANO, ESP-2237 (CN El Masnou) and Alex Bru, ESP-1811 (CN El Balís) who ended ranking in 4th and 6th place (8th and 18th yesterday) respectively. Congratulations to all on this success with your ASTRO and best wishes at the Optimist Spanish Cup to be held in Castellón from 27th to 30th March. See results GI (251 Kb. PDF file) and GII (274 Kb. PDF file).
·February 2013:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN El Masnou), 1st Girl and 4th Overall at the XXIV PALAMOS Optimist Trophy 2013 with ASTRO Optimist. Held by Club de Vela Palamós along 14th and 17th of February, with 462 entries coming from Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and USA. Spain also, VIII Nations Cup Champion with Paula IGUAL (4th), Marcelo CAIRO (5th), Oscar ESCOLANO (11th) and Umberto VARBARO (20th). Congratulations to all for this good result. View ranking here (65 Kb. PDF file).
·January 2013:
The CN El Balís has received its new fleet of 4 AstroONE, brought into service for pre-competition tuition and Team Race training. More information on this model here and in the brochure (376 Kb. PDF file).
·December 2012:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN El Masnou) and Alex BRÚ, ESP-1811 (CN El Balís), Winners of A and B category at TROFEU NADAL 2012 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic VILANOVA along 15th and 16th of December, with 179 entries of groups I and II, has been the fourth scoring round for the 2012-2013 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results GI (12 Kb. PDF file) and GII (15 Kb. PDF file).
·December 2012:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 and Oscar ESCOLANO, ESP-2237 (CN El Masnou), 2nd and 3rd of A category. Alex BRÚ, ESP-1811 (CN El Balís), 2nd of B category, at XXIV PRINCIPAT D'ANDORRA 2012 Grand Prix with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic El MASNOU along 1st and 2nd of December, with 121 entries of groups I and II. Good overall result for our helms that place 3 ASTRO among top 6. Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. View rankings GI (145 Kb. PDF file) and GII (129 Kb. PDF file).
·November 2012:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN El Masnou) and Oscar ESCOLANO, ESP-2237 (CN El Masnou), 1st and 3rd of A category at XIX Estruch Memorial 2012 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic d'ARENYS de Mar on 24th and 25th of November, with 191 entries of I and II groups, has been the third scoring round for the 2012-2013 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results GI (1.114 Kb. PDF file) and GII (1.090 Kb. PDF file).
·November 2012:
Ismael IESS, ESP-2010 (RCN Gran Canaria), Winner of the XVII UNICEF Trophy 2012 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club Náutico de GRAN CANARIA along 27th October, 10th and 17th of November, with 101 entries. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results here (250 Kb. PDF file).
·November 2012:
Ismael IESS, ESP-2010 (RCN Gran Canaria), increases his lead at XVII UNICEF Trophy 2012 with ASTRO Optimist. On Saturday 10/11 he got, again, tree 1st places on the tree races held at Real Club Náutico de GRAN CANARIA. With 101 entries, has been the 2nd day of this trophy that has its conclusion on Saturday November 17th. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results here (250 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2012:
Francisco NAVARRO, ESP-272 (RCN Torrevieja), 3rd at 2012 Dehesa de Campoamor Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Náutico Dehesa de Campoamor, along 27th y 28th of October with 130 entries of A and B categories. Good overall result for the ASTRO pilots who have taken four of the top 7 places (Francisco NAVARRO 3rd, Nacho BALAGUER 4th, Carlos BALAGUER 5th and Eduardo ORTUÑO 7th). This has been the second scoring round for the 2012-2013 Valencian Community Optimist Class Championship. Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See results of groups A (115 Kb. PDF file) and B (109 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2012:
Ismael IESS, ESP-2010 (RCN Gran Canaria), leader of the XVII UNICEF Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club Náutico de GRAN CANARIA on 27th of October, with 101 entries, has been the first day of this traditional trophy. Next races will be held on 10th and 17th November. Congratulations on this good start with your ASTRO. See results here (242 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2012:
Oscar ESCOLANO, ESP-2237 (CN El Masnou) and Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN Masnou), 2nd and y 3rd of A category at 2012 TEYCO II Grand Prix with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nautico El Masnou along 27 y 28 of October, with 181 entries of group I and II, has been the second scoring round for the 2012-2013 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results GI (156 Kb. PDF file) and GII (198 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2012:
Carlos BALAGUER, ESP-2259 (CN Valencia), 3rd at 2012 Ciudad de CARTAGENA Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club de Regatas de Cartagena, along 12, 13 and 14 of October with 99 entries of A, B and C categories. Good overall result for the ASTRO pilots who have taken four of the top 10 places (Carlos Balaguer 3rd, Paula IGUAL 5th, Nacho BALAGUER 8th and Eduardo ORTUÑO 10th). Congratulations to all on this good result with your ASTRO. See results here (122 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2012:
Ismael IESS, ESP-2010 (RCN Gran Canaria), Winner of the 2012 Fundación DISA Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club Náutico de Gran Canaria, along 6 and 7 of October with 101 entries, has been the first scoring round for the Gran Canaria 2012-2013 Optimist Class Ranking. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results here (242 Kb. PDF file).
·September 2012:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN Masnou), Winner of the III Hotel Nieves Mar Regatta with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic l'Escala along 29th and 30th of September with 184 entries of groups I y II, has been the first scoring round for the 2012-2013 Catalonia Optimist Class Ranking. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results GI (93 Kb. PDF file) and GII (141 Kb. PDF file).
·September 2012:
Carlos BALAGUER, ESP-2259 (CN Valencia), Winner of the 2012 Valencia Trophy 1st UNICEF Race with ASTRO Optimist. Held at the Real Club Náutico de Valencia during 22nd and 23rd of September, with 152 entries of groups A and B, has been the first scoring round for the 2012-2013 Valencian Community Optimist Class Championship. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results here (411 Kb. PDF file).
·August 2012:
Spain, European Team Race Optimist Champion 2012, again at Ledro lake (ITA). Congratulations to María Bover, Alfonso Fernández, Antonio López, Luis Cabrera, Manuela Huidobro and coach Kiko Igual for this great result.
·July 2012:
Max URQUIZU, ESP-1123 (CM Altafulla), new ASTRO helm for the 2012/2013 season. At the 2nd round of COSTA DAURADA Trophy (TORREDEMBARRA), Max has made a good start ranking 4th. View results here (122 Kb. PDF file). We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·July 2012:
Oscar ESCOLANO, ESP-2237 (CN El Masnou), Winner of the “Verge del Carme” Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic Vilassar during 14th and 15th of July, it has been the third and last scoring round of 2012 Maresme Trophy. With this victory, Oscar also becomes the overall winner of the trophy, after winning all tree contest (Masnou/Balis/Vilassar), held. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See 2012 Maresme Trophy Final Ranking (71 Kb. PDF file).
·July 2012:
Nacho & Carlos BALAGUER, (CN Valencia), new ASTRO helms for the 2012/2013 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·July 2012:
Oscar ESCOLANO, ESP-2237 (CN El Masnou), Winner of the "Balís" Trophy with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic El Balís, with 36 entries of groups I, II, III and School, is the second scoring round of the, newly created, Maresme Trophy that seeks to promote the activity of fleets along summer, once the official season, except for the International Championships, is concluded. See results (896 Kb. PDF file) and Trofeo Maresme Ranking (56 Kb. PDF file).
·July 2012:
On 29/06, Barcelona TV (BTV) was in ASTRO recording the car of David. Participate in this project has been very rewarding for us, also, because it is a clear example of how professional education programs should be linked to the reality of the industry. The project has become the hub of activity for the students of 2nd year of Design and Mechanical Manufacturing of the former Professional Tech CLOT School. ASTRO works provided process engineering and composite body of the car. The video of the news in BTV and pictures at gallery.
·June 2012:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN VIlassar de Mar), 2nd of 2012 Spanish Optimist Ranking and 1st Female with ASTRO Optimist, will represent Spain in the Class World Championships to be held from 15 to 26 July in the Dominican Republic. Alex BRÚ, ESP-1811 (CN El Balís), 3rd at Team Race competition with Catalonia. Held at the Club Nàutic CAMBRILS, the 2012 Spanish Youth Sailing Championships, with 123 entries, at the Optimist class, from Andalucia, Andorra, Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Cantabria, Castilla La Mancha, Cataluña, Galicia, País Vasco, Madrid, Melilla, Murcia, Navarra and Valencia. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See Individual (50 Kb. PDF file), Team Race (62 Kb. PDF file) results and 2012 Spanish Ranking (21 Kb. PDF file).
·June 2012:
Oscar ESCOLANO, ESP-683 (CN El Masnou), new ASTRO helm for the 2012/2013 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·May 2012:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN VIlassar de Mar), 3rd Overall and 2nd of A category. Alex BRÚ, ESP-1181 (CN El Balís), 3rd of B category at the 2012 Catalonia Optimist Championship with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic CAMBRILS, with 153 entries of groups I and II. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. View results GI (44 Kb. PDF file) and GII (54 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2012:
Alex BRÚ, ESP-1811 (CN El Balís), 3rd of B category at the 2012 Mediterranean Sailing Meeting with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic El Balís, with 147 entries of groups I, II y III, comming from Canary Island, Cantabria, Catalonia, Ireland, Murcia and South Africa. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. View results G1 (173 Kb. PDF file) and G2-3 (170 Kb. PDF file).
·April 2012:
Alex BRÚ, ESP-968, Winner of the Catalonia Team Race Optimist Championship with CN El Balís. Albert CARCELLE, ESP-2132, 3rd with CN Salou. Held at Club Nàutic Vilanova, with teams representing CM Altafulla, CV Blanes, CN Cambrils, CN El Balis, CN El Masnou, CN Salou, CN Vilanova y CN Vilassar. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See Round Robin (6 Kb. PDF file) and Final Result (64 Kb. PDF file).
·April 2012:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN VIlassar de Mar), 3rd Overall and 1st Woman at the 2012 Optimist Spanish Cup with ASTRO. Held at Club Náutico Alicante Costa Blanca, with 125 entries comming from Andalusia, Andorra, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Castilla La Mancha, Catalonia, Valencia, Euskadi, Galicia, Madrid, Melilla, Murcia and Navarre. Congratulations on this great success with your ASTRO. View results here (196 Kb. PDF file).
·March 2012:
AB RE presents the new ASTRO deck jacket. Made with three layers SOFTSHELL technology. Breathable and very light, with good waterproof and windproof shield. Read more...
·March 2012:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN VIlassar de Mar), Winner of the XLIII Trofeu Francesc SANAHUJA 2012 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Club Nàutic El MASNOU, with 52 entries of groups I, II and III. Our congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. View results GI-GII (98 Kb. PDF file) and GIII (76 Kb. PDF file).
·February 2012:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN Vilassar de Mar), 3rd of A category and 5th overall in the XXIV Carnival Race 2012 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at the Club Nautic Port d'Aro, with 143 entries in groups I and II, is the sixth N2 scoring round of the Optimist Class Catalan Circuit 2011-2012. Our congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. View results GI (11 Kb. PDF file) and GII (12 Kb. PDF file).
·February 2012:
Ismael IESS, ESP-2010 (RCN Gran Canaria), 3rd of the Canary Optimist Cup 2012 with ASTRO. Held at the Club Náutico de Gran Canaria, from 18 to 20 February, with 142 entries. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results here (240 Kb. PDF file).
·February 2012:
Joan Cardona, ESP-2078 (CM Mahon), Winner of the XXIII Vila de Palamós Trophy 2012. Held from 16th to 19th February with 346 entries from Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands Antilles, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, UK and USA. Congratulations Joan..! for this great success. Great result too for Alex BRÚ, ESP-968 (CN El Balís), 2° of -12, 3rd spaniard and 11th overall to complete a very good weekend for the ASTRO pilots in Palamos. Spain winner of the Nations Cup with Joan CARDONA (CN Mahón), Marc ANTICH (CNSAP), Alex BRÚ (CN El Balís) and Albert TORRES (RCN Palma). Congratulations to all ..! See results here (163 Kb. PDF file).
·February 2012:
AB RE presents the COBRA VHF Marine MRHH 125VP EU, hand held portable transceiver. With very small dimensions and the ability to work with AAA batteries. Read more...
·January 2012:
Ismael IESS, ESP-2010 (RCN Gran Canaria), 2nd at COMODORO Trophy 2012 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at Real Club Náutico de Gran Canaria, from 14 to 28 January, with 49 entries. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results here (167 Kb. PDF file).
·January 2012:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN VIlassar de Mar), 2nd at Trofeu Festa Major de SALOU 2012 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at the Club Nàutic SALOU with 156 entries in groups I and II, in excellent wind condition, is the fifth N2 scoring run of the 2011-2012 Optimist Class Catalan Circuit. With this scoring Paula gets also 3rd place of the Optimist Catalonian Ranking. Congratulations on this very good result with your ASTRO. View classification GI (23 Kb. PDF file) and GII (25 Kb. PDF file).
·January 2012:
Ismael IESS, ESP-2010 (RCN Gran Canaria), 3rd of the AECIO Trophy 2011 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at the Real Club Náutico de Gran Canaria, fron 26 to 30 December, with 149 entries. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. View results here.
·January 2012:
Albert CARCELLE, ESP-2132 (CN Salou), Winner of the 27 Meeting Internacionale del Mediterraneo, Kinder+Sport 2011 Trophy, with ASTRO Optimist. Held at the Yacht Club Sanremo (Italy), from 28 to 30 December, with 115 entries coming from Spain, France, UK, Italy, Monaco, Russia, Romania and Switzerland. Congratulations on this great result with your ASTRO. See Junior and Cadet results.
·December 2011:
Joan CARDONA, ESP-2078 (CM Mahon), 2nd at the Optimist Federation Cup 2011 with ASTRO. After dominating the championship in 1st position, a BFD in the last race has made him tie on points with Marc Llado (CN La Rápita), final champion by better 2nd places. Held at the Club Nàutic S’Arenal with 60 entries, this is the last test in the Joan preparation for the Optimist 2011 Worlds, to be held in New Zealand next week. View press release at Diario de Menorca and results here.
·December 2011:
Marine Binoculars
AB RE presents the new Optisan high performance Marine Binoculars range. Equipping high quality
BaK4 prisms and SUUNTO directional compass. Read more.
·December 2011:
Alex BRÚ, ESP-968 (CN El Balís), 2nd of the category B and 5th overall at the I Trofeo TEYCO 2011 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at the Club Nautico El MASNOU with 163 entries in groups I and II, in little wind condition to complete only two runs, is the fourth N2 scoring run of the 2011-2012 Optimist Class Catalan Circuit. Congratulations on this good results with ASTRO. See results GI (152 Kb. PDF file), and GII (164 Kb. PDF file).
·December 2011:
AB RE presents the new ASTRO Optimist Hiking Bench. With the same beam, side panel high and with the gunwale of an ASTRO, you can now train at home while studying or watching TV. Read more or download ASTRO Hiking Bench flyer (1.310 Kb. PDF file) here.
·December 2011:
ASTRO has accomplished the development of the first prototype of ROCA Corner Circular Bathtub, that has been presented as 2012 novelty. See gallery.
·November 2011:
Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN VIlassar de Mar) and Alex BRÚ, ESP-968 (CN El Balís), 1st and 3rd overall at the XVIII Enric Estruch Memorial Regatta 2011 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at the Club Nautic d'Arenys de Mar, with 162 entries of groups I and II, is the third N2 scoring round of the 2011-2012 Optimist Class Catalan Circuit. Congratulations on this great result with your ASTRO. View results of GI (1.593 Kb. PDF file), and GII (2.116 Kb. PDF file).
·November 2011:
TRANSCOMA Yachts-CN MASNOU team, Champion of the Optimist Class Travessa SALÓ NÀUTIC. Among the acts of the 25 Catalonian Sailing Week and coinciding with the 50 International Barcelona Boat Show, has been held this unique Optimist Class, cruise team racing regatta. Departing in front of the Hotel Vela, entering by the new Barcelona harbour entrance, passing by the World Trade Center and arrival in the "Maremagnum" within the commercial port of Barcelona, which has allowed direct support by families and public present in this busy city area. In the photo, from left to right: Rafa Rabasa (4th), Marc Arrufat (7th), Oscar Escolano (1st) and Oriol Arrufat (8th), that gave the victory to the team. Congratulations too for team mates and coaches. See results here (92,1 Kb. PDF file)
·November 2011:
ASTRO, present at the 50th International Barcelona Boat Show (Hall 2, C-354).
·October 2011:
Marc TELLO, ESP-3863 (CN el Balís), 3rd of B category (GII), at the VIII CIUTAT DE CAMBRILS Trophy 2011 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at the Club Nàutic Cambrils with 171 entries in groups I and II, is the second N2 scoring round of the 2011-2012 Optimist Class Catalonian Circuit. Our congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results GI (64 Kb. PDF file), and GII (77 Kb. PDF file).
·October 2011:
Ismael IESS, from Canary Islands, new ASTRO helm for the 2011/2012 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·October 2011:
Alex BRÚ, ESP-968 (CN El Balís), Winner of B category and 4th overall at the XIV CONUDELLA Trophy 2011 with ASTRO Optimist. Held at the Club Nautic El Balís with 71 entries of groups I and II, under very little wind condition, which allowed to complete only two legs. Congratulations on this good result with your ASTRO. See results here (135 Kb. PDF file).
·September 2011:
Alex BRÚ, ESP-968 (CN el Balís), 2nd of B category and 4th overall at the II Regata Hotel Nieves Mar 2011 with ASTRO. Good results also for Marc Tello, ESP-3863 (CN el Balís), 3th of B category and 6th overall (Group II). Held at the Club Nautic L'Escala with 166 entries, is the first N2 scoring round of the 2011-2012 Optimist Class Catalonian Circuit. See results here (273 Kb. PDF file).
·August 2011:
Spain, 2011 Optimist TR European Champion..! Congratulations to Luís Cabrera, María Caba, Silvia Mas, Marta Garrido, Ismael Iess and the coaches Alex Cabrera and Adrián Cruz for this great result. See scoring here.
·August 2011:
Joan CARDONA, ESP-2078 (CM Mahón), 1st of the 48th Gran día de la Vela-Bufete Frau 2011 with ASTRO Optimist. Succes too for Paula IGUAL, ESP-1919 (CN Salou), 1st femina and 7th overall also with ASTRO. Held at the Club Nàutic S’Arenal with nearly a hundred helms, means a futher step in the Joan preparation to the Optimist World Cup 2011 to be held in New Zealand later this year. See results here.
·July 2011:
New ASTRO sailing clothing at the Apparel section.
·July 2011:
Alex BRÚ, new ASTRO helm for the 2011/2012 season. We appreciate your confidence and we wish you a successful season.
·July 2011:
ASTRO has delivered to BASE NAUTICA Sailing Station (BCN), two of the new AstroONE, which will be used in basic training.
·June 2011:
Joan CARDONA, ESP-2078 (CM Mahón), 3th of the national ranking with ASTRO Optimist, will be part of the Spanish team for the Optimist World Championships 2011 of New Zealand. Congratulations on this new success with your ASTRO. See press releases (in Spanish) at Diario de Menorca & Ultima Hora.
·June 2011:
Marc TELLO, ESP-379 (CN el Balís), 2011 Catalonian Optimist (G3) Champion with Astro. Aleix CLARI, ESP-58 (CN Hospitalet-Vandellos), also got great performance: "C" Champion and 4th of the general clasification, after being on podium until final day. This success is highly shared. We want to thank to Marc and Aleix for their confidence in Astro. To the CN el Balís and especially their tainers, María and Pancho, for the great work done with Marc, and to the BASE Náutica de Barcelona, to let one of their ASTRO to Marc for the Championships. Congratulations to all. View final results here (106 Kb. PDF file).
·June 2011:
AB RE presents the AstroONE. The new School-Boat for the "novice single-handed" fleets. More information here and in the flyer (376 Kb. PDF file).
·June 2011:
Franc BRÚ (ESP-2099), Marc RUBIO (ESP-2024) and Marc TELLO (ESP-322): 3rd, 3rd & 2nd of Group I, II and III with ASTRO Optimist at II President Lluis MARSÀ Trophy 2011. Held on 11 and 12 June in El Masnou, with a total of 80 entries from Vilassar, El Balís, Salou, Altafulla, Arenys, Cambrils, Torredembarra and El Masnou. Congratulations on this new success with your ASTRO. See GI-GII (83 Kb. PDF file), and GIII (64 Kb. PDF file), rankings.
·May 2011:
Franc BRÚ (ESP-2099), 3rd at 2011 Optimist Catalonian Championships with ASTRO. Held on 21, 22, 28 and 29 May in Port d'Aro, with a total of 11 races, Franc has finally achieved 3rd place after tying on points with Nestor CANO, 2nd. Congratulations on this new success with your ASTRO See final scoring... (171 Kb. PDF file).
·May 2011:
Joan CARDONA (ESP-2078) and Franc BRÚ (ESP-2099), 1st and 4th in Optimist Class with ASTRO. Joan is also the Overall winner of the 1st Mediterranean Saling Meeting 2011. Held on 14 and 15 May, this event aims to become the international reference on multiclass regatta. Congratulations for both on this new success with your ASTRO. See final scoring... (34 Kb PDF file).
·May 2011:
Joan CARDONA (ESP-2078), 4th at the 2011 Optimist Spain Cup (2° at the Spanish ranking for 2011 World and Europe Championships). Held from April 28 to May 1 in Santander, under widely varying conditions, which allow three races on Friday with wind and heavy swell and one on Sunday with light winds. Congratulations on your new success with ASTRO. See final scoring... (3.854 Kb PDF file), and video...
·April 2011:
Paula IGUAL (ESP-1919), has choosen the new Optimist ASTRO PN/Mk1 for the 2010-2011 season. We appreciate your confidence and we augur to you a successful season.
·April 2011:
Joan CARDONA (ESP-2078), 1st at the 2011 Optimist Balearic Ranking with ASTRO. Congratulations on this early success with your new ASTRO. See Ranking... (149 Kb. PDF file)
·April 2011:
ASTRO has completed the first prototypes of the ROCA Free Standing Circular Bathtub that, as 2011 novelty, has been presented at ISH Frankfurt show. See gallery.
·March 2011:
Joan CARDONA (ESP-2078), has choosen the new Optimist ASTRO PN/Mk1 for the 2010-2011 season. We appreciate your confidence and we augur to you a successful season.
·February 2011:
Franc BRÚ (ESP-2099), 1st at the VI Trofeu Sant Feliu 2011. Held under varying conditions of wind, which allowed only to run two races on Saturday and none on Sunday, Franc scored two 2nd places that give him the final victory. Congratulations on this new triumph with your ASTRO. See results... (42 Kb. PDF file)
·February 2011:
Marc RUBIO (ESP-2024), 2nd of Group II at the 1st Trofeo RETMAR 2011. Held at the Club Nàutic Masnou (Barcelona), brought to 42 sailors representing CN Vilassar, CN Salou and CN Masnou. Congratulations on this success with your ASTRO. See results... (81 Kb. PDF file)
·February 2011:
Aleix CLARI (ESP-58), 1st at the Ciutat de Vilanova Regatta 2011. Scoring for the G3 Ranking of the FCV, gathered in Vilanova a total of 85 sailors from the South Zone (CN Salou, CM Torredembarra, Altafulla CM, CN Cambrils, CN L'Hospitalet - Vandellós, CN Vilanova). Congratulations on this first success with your new ASTRO. See results... (48 Kb. PDF file)
·December 2010:
Franc BRÚ (ESP-1811), 2nd at the 27th Estruch Memorial 2010. In difficult conditions that forced to cancel Sunday's races, Saturday 11/12, were held two rounds under less than 10 knots. Franc got to keep on podium from Palma and has tied to victories here with world top ten Carlos Robles, who has finally won the overall due to best 2nd places. Our congratulations on this new success with your ASTRO. Results... (76 Kb. PDF file)
·December 2010:
Franc BRÚ (ESP-1811), scored 3rd place at the 60th Trofeo Ciutat de Palma 2010. With more than 380 entries from 14 countries (Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand and USA), a total of 6 races have been held under fairly different conditions, which reflects the consistent championship Franc has done with his ASTRO Optimist. Its 3rd place also completes a entirely European shipyards podium. Franc, we want to congratulate you for this great result and thank you for your confidence in our boat. See results... (163 Kb. PDF file)
·December 2010:
Cristina SOSTRE, new Catalonian Optimist Class Secretary (ACCIO). On December 2, votes were held to elect a new Optimist Class Secretary of the Catalonian Sailing Federation. With a final count of 56 to 31, Cristina SOSTRE and her team (Rosa "MUNTÉ" CARRASCO, Frederic BRÚ, Pedro POZO) has been elected new territorial secretary. See nomination... (129 Kb. PDF file)
·November 2010:
ASTRO presents the "Loops". Made from Dyneema SK75 braid, the loops are a new concept of connection and in most cases, replace the classic shackle with substantial weight reduction. Used in the Optimist class to set-up sail to mast and boom, they have many applications when you need a light connection. Available in a variety of sizes and diameters.
·October 2010:
Marc RUBIO (ESP-2024), 2010 Catalonia Optimist G3 Sub-Champion, made an outstanding 2009-2010 season, as was recognized as the best Masnou athlete of the year. For the 2010-2011 season, he has choosen its new ASTRO Optimist PN/Mk1(R). From here we congratulate you for the successes of last year and we wish you a new successful season.
·September 2010:
Franc BRÚ (ESP-1811), has choosen the new Optimist ASTRO PN/Mk1(R) for the 2010-2011 season. We appreciate your confidence and we augur to you a successful season.
·August 2010:
ASTRO has delivered to La Mar Bella Sailing Station (BCN), two of the new Optimist ASTRO PN/Mk1(R2) which will be used in advanced training and racing.
·March 2010:
ASTRO has completed the development of the ARMANI - ROCA bathtub prototype that, as world premire, will be presented at "Salone dei Mobile" of Milan. Read more... & más, or see gallery.